4 Youtube Channels to become more sustain-ABLE

Inês Lagoutte
Youth for Global Goals
4 min readJan 25, 2020
by Sara Kurfeß

A new year brings a renovated energy to start changing your habits and set goals to work on yourself. Becoming more sustainable in your choices and actions is a popular goal. But it can also be extremely overwhelming for someone that is just starting in this world.

From changing transportation means to reducing your meat intake, buying less, buying more sustainable — more sustainable food, cleaning products, clothes, furniture,… This overwhelming amount of choices and potential changes can put many people off from changing anything.

But we don’t want you to be discouraged! Changing a lifestyle is something that should be done over time and having into account your personal preferences, habits, and possibilities.

Don’t be pressured to choose one way to be more sustainable just because you think or hear it’s “the best” way.

Every small change matters! Choose one to start with and take it from there.

To help you, we chose 4 different youtube channels that can help you on the journey of becoming more sustainable:

1. Trash is for Tossers

This one is all about zero waste. If you want to help the environment by being more conscious about the waste you generate, Trash is for Tossers is a great place to start. Lauren Singer is one of the gurus of the zero-waste movement. From “Zero Waste Toothpaste”, “How To Buy Coffee To Go Without Making Waste”, “Zero Waste Deodorant” to ”How do you have a ZERO WASTE period?“, you will have a good ground basis covered.

Her videos are as minimalistic as her lifestyle, with most of them being 2 minutes or under. They are practical and straight to the point. But if you do want to go deeper, check TIFT’s website. There you will find a lot more information and other resources.

Type: zero waste / minimalism
Content: zero waste DIY’s; product swaps; answering zero waste questions
Start with: Zero waste alternatives playlist

2. Pick Up Limes

Pick up Limes is undoubtedly one of the best channels if you want to adventure yourself in veganism but don’t know where or how to start. Or even if you are already vegan, or just trying to reduce your meat intake! You will find amazing recipes and resources.

Sadia, the youtube channel owner, is a certified dietitian, which means the content is very trustworthy, with sustained information about how to have a healthy vegan diet. “Quick Vegan Breakfast Ideas”, “Vegan Nutrition Basics” and “Easy Vegan Dinner Recipes” are just a few of the super useful videos on the channel.

Type: veganism
Content: recipes, nutrition explained
Start with: Beginner’s Guide to Veganism

Bonus: PUL comes with an amazing website where you can find the mouth-watering vegan recipes of the channel in a convenient written format with beautiful pictures.

3. Our changing climate

Our Changing Climate does an amazing job at giving you big, complex questions in a bite-sized, easily-digestible way. So, if you like having the big picture on all climate-related information, OCC is the channel for you! It helps you with information that can guide your actions and choices on how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Popular videos include: “Does recycling work anymore?”, “What’s the greenest way to travel?”, “Why plastic straw bans are not the answer” and company sustainability reviews: Patagonia, Tesla, IKEA, Apple.

Type: Sustainability in general
Content: Miscellaneous information about climate and environment-related topics
Start with: Any video really

4. Mic the vegan

If you are a science geek and love hearing all the stats and know all the studies that support this and that, then “Mic the vegan” is your man. As Mike himself states, the purpose of the channel is to bring scientifically sound arguments to veganism talks.

Most of his videos take care of responding to unfounded myths with a big splash of scientifically-backed claims. Some debunked myths: “Dairy-Free Diets are Dangerous”, “Grass Fed Beef Debunked”, “Plants Feel Pain Debunked”, “Top 5 Climate Change Myths Debunked” and “The Ketogenic Diet Debunked. More, all the sources of the studies and research brought up in the videos are provided in the description box.

Type: vegan science
Content: diet myths debunked; diet and disease; diet and the environment
Start with: How your body transforms on a vegan diet

Written by Inês Lagoutte



Inês Lagoutte
Youth for Global Goals

In a process of trial and error to find how I can best contribute to the world. Connect with me at: linkedin.com/in/ineslagoutte/