Global Political Dynamics and the US Elections

Tejasvi Anil Menon
Youth Tamil Nadu
Published in
5 min readDec 11, 2020

“Laws introduced by the state have consequences for people: they determine to an extent who grows richer and who poorer, who acquires new land and who loses the land they have lived on.”

The US elections have been the talk of the town for quite a while, with global citizens holding their breath awaiting the results more curiously than they would for their local elections. But why is it so? Does the change in leadership affect our country, thousands of miles away? Will their policies have a direct impact on our socio-economic stance? Well, this article intends to answer some of these questions.

With the US Democratic candidate Mr. Joe Biden seizing the lead, the future of America and the policy changes hence, slightly unfold. With the Republicans yet to accept the outcomes and promising to fight the votes in the Supreme Court, clouds of unpredictability certainly float around.

Mr Joe Biden

World nations are anxiously monitoring the power change, its possible outcomes, and what it could possibly mean for their country. The Trump Administration has been condemned widely for its extremist policies and the stir and bloodshed that it has led to such as in Israel, due to the shift in the embassy. In a fragile economic order engulfed in the pandemic with a rising death toll and recession, the election results hold significant importance for the global market. The US, being the sole superpower after the collapse of the Soviet-Union with military bases across the world, has an inconspicuous yet evident influence on the policy-making of each nation. It would not be wrong to suggest that it has the ability to start and end a war with its decision making power. Hence, the outcomes of the elections are of utmost importance.

The Democrats with their moderate policies promise to support the world nations in stressful times where humanity swivels in the question of survival. The political dynamic has become highly polarised with the decision-making of the Trump administration. This has led to increased tensions with China and also the continual sanctions on Iran have brought the world on the verge of a full-scale war. The Biden Administration has already begun its peace-process with Iran with the possible resurrection of the Iran nuclear deal and a reasonable cut down on sanctions. Further, the Administration has promised to take a neutral stance when it comes to the Israel-Palestine issue, as the US has always been looked upon as the greatest ally of the former. Such a policy could help in minimizing the humanitarian crisis in the region with the issue being the focal point of armed struggles. The Trump Administration has always had a close tie with Saudi-Arabia projecting Sunni alliance to the world, outcasting other sects of Islam. This could change the civil-war dynamics in countries such as Yemen where the Saudi-led civil-war has been strangling the population. Also, possible strategic withdrawal of US troops from Middle-Eastern countries could leave behind an easily penetrable administration vulnerable to the militias.

The US is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. The possible return of the US to the Paris Climate Agreement represents a ray of hope to the world. As a member, the country would be forced to cut down on its emission ensuring a system of checks and balances. This can bring a major difference to island nations who are on the verge of submergence. The possible return of the nation to WHO and leading COVID-19 response can improve the health-scenario of the world, saving millions of lives.

While these are the plausible solutions and changes that are expected from the Biden-Administration, certain policies would not see a reversal. A reduction in the number of troops in Afganistan in order to bring an end to the decades-long bloody war could be an agreeable ground for both the administration. China’s economic exploitation would be continually dealt with under the Biden-administration through a more diplomatic approach with the support of the allies in the hope of reducing the heightened tensions between the nations.

The Modi Government has been very expressive in its steps towards achieving the support of the Trump administration, unapologetically evident from the US-India 2+2 meet ahead of the US elections. Yet, this does not diminish the hope of a friendly position with the Biden administration. Contrary to popular belief, the fact that vice president Kamala Harris is of Indian origin may not influence the newly formed government to an extent anticipated.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with ex-President Donald Trump

Policies made by Biden during his term as Vice-president can be used to fathom current possible foreign relations with India. Biden might push for better military foundational agreements with the country. He could also restore India’s generalized System of Preferences (GSP) status for exporters. His support and understanding of Indian immigrants as promised in the campaign could be seen as a beacon of hope invicem of the intolerance that the Trump administration indirectly promoted. Easing US-Iran relationships also mean not having to walk the tight-rope and better investments in the Chabahar Rail project, helping India avoid Pakistan from its trade route. It is important that the Ministry of External Affairs see the change in leadership as a window of opportunity to bring about changes in our relationship with China.

Some amount of friction is to be expected in the expanse of religious freedom, as can be seen from the past acts by the Government regarding the scrapping of Article 370, Citizenship Amendment Act, increase in the communal and caste-based violence, and mob-lynching. India might have to face trouble regarding its persuasion of the international community against China, extremist policies of the Trump-Administrations against the Dragon have indirectly helped India. The moderate stance could prove consequential to India.

It’s high time that New-Delhi realizes the vision of Non-Alignment put forward by Mr. Nehru when it comes to foreign relations, during times of souring relations with the neighbours. The change in the global political dynamic accompanied by policy changes are inevitable, as evident. As a country, It is best that India puts national interests above party principles to prevent another plummet in the GDP that may prove difficult to bounce back from. Incompatibilities in decisions made are an inescapable part of world-politics. Yet, it is vital that nations acknowledge and work towards the best interests of fellow nations to ensure fraternity and peace across the globe; to help enhance humanity, and to preserve it for posterity.

