#Feelingsforall — Call for online Training Course on Prevention of Gender Inequalities and Gender-based Discriminations via Exploring Masculinities

Youth Peace Ambassadors
6 min readAug 16, 2021


Feelings For All — online training course

Have you ever wondered why for some it is ok to feel in show emotions in the society and for some it is seen as shameful? Have you ever reflected over the term of “toxic masculinity?” Or on how gender stereotypes are influencing our identities? How to develop emotional literacy of all?

“We hardly ever talk of men as individuals. We lump them together as a universal base form for all of humanity — for all of mankind, when they are also constructed by social norms”. Victoire Tuaillon on masculinities.

The Youth Peace Ambassadors Network (YPAN) and the Friesland College invites you to take part in the training which will guide you towards reflection over masculinity, gender inequalities and identities and concious change towards society with no gender based discrimination. That is why we created:

#Feelingsforall — Online Training Course

What is this? 6-day online training on prevention of gender inequalities and exploration of the meaning of masculinities (including toxic masculinity?)

When? 2–4 and 9–11 September 2021

Which hours? from 10:00 to 14:30 CEST

Where? Online

Who are we looking for?

We have 13 spots available!

We are looking for:

youth workers or young activists or young people (18–35) who are:

  • interested in preventing gender inequalities;
  • lookings for tools to prevent and combat gender based violence;
  • ready for reflection over their gender identities and gender sterotypes;
  • willing to implement actions preventing gender based discrimination;
  • curious to develop emotional literacy skills;
  • longing to deconstruct the toxic masculinity patterns.

We are looking for participants being residents in:

🌎The Netherlands 🌎Poland 🌎Portugal 🌎Turkey 🌎Spain 🌎Serbia 🌎Kosovo (* UN resolution) 🌎Bosnia and Herzegovina 🌎Ukraine

If you do not reside in one of those countries — feel free to apply anyway and we will do our best to ensure education for all.

This training was supposed to take place in person in March 2020. Participants who had already applied at that time have been given priority to participate in this new edition. Therefore there are now only 13 spots available!
Apply ASAP, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Deadline for applications: Friday, 27th August 2021.

Application form: https://bit.ly/feelings4all


This training course aims to develop the competences of 28 youth workers and youth leaders in the field of prevention of gender inequalities and gender based discrimination affecting young people by analyzing local realities, exchanging practices and developing actions aimed at promotion of society inclusive for all genders.


🍃 To develop participants’ understanding of terms crucial for addressing gender inequalities such as: gender, human rights, peace, peace education, emotional literacy, masculinity and femininity, gender roles, practices of consent, emotional labor, workplace discrimination, intervention against gender-based discrimination;

🍃 To map harmful behaviors and causes of gender inequalities (based on the root-causes method) and how they affect young people;

🍃To develop competences in addressing gender inequalities by exploring perspectives of human rights, peacebuilding and democratic participation, including the legal framework of gender equality protection;

🍃To explore and practice tools to address gender inequalities, such as emotional literacy, non violent communication, non violent activism, gender mainstreaming, alternative behaviours, and deconstruction of gender roles as well as the principle of inclusivity;

🍃 To gain skills to build ongoing relationships with peer accountability by providing supportive place to reflect upon, process and express emotions;

🍃 To develop a respect for multiple identities and experiences of masculinity and femininity;

🍃 To enhance international cooperation of participants and their organisation in the area of gender equality, by planning at least 10 local or cross-border actions focussing on deconstructing toxic masculinity, gender roles and gender based discrimination and violence;

🍃 To strengthen sustainability of the network of young peacebuilders who will bring awareness for the citizens and policy-makers in the EU and neighbouring countries on the existing gender inequalities and ways to address them.


We had this reflection that existing patriarchal system enforces existing inequalities and puts a lot of pressure on all genders. We often talk about gender inequalities, violence against women* 1 , pay gap, restriction to the private sphere and other strong issues affecting women*.
Patriarchal social norms are also affecting men*, however it is a lot rarer to find narratives about the negative effects for them. The overwhelming pressure to be strong, to “be a man”, the forbideness to express one’s emotions are elements contributing in creating oppressive behaviours and fostering gender-based violence. Such a system leads to gender inequalities, whereas it is gender equality which is at the very heart of human rights and peaceful values. It is legally protected in all the systems of human rights protection: universal, European and also national levels.

If this reflection resonates with you, or you would like to discuss it — feel welcome to apply for this training❤️.


We make sure online trainings are interactive workshops and not lectures.

Training course will be based on the principles of non-formal education: it will have a planned programme of personal and social education for young people designed to improve a range of skills and competencies, outside the formal educational curriculum.

We will implement the basic elements of the non-formal education, such as the education being participatory, organised with educational objectives, voluntary and learner-centred, about learning life skills and preparing for active citizenship, based on involving both individual and group learning with a collective approach, holistic and process-oriented, as well as based on experience and action (we will plan the follow up activities) and starts from the needs of the participants.


Training is free of charge as we would like to make education accessible for all.


Youth Peace Ambassadors Network

The Youth Peace Ambassadors Network (YPAN) is an informal network of 90 young peacebuilders from across Europe who work with and in conflict affected communities.

Majority of the members of the network are trained on human rights, non-formal education and conflict transformation by the Council of Europe in the long term project (2011–2014).

Our Mission: The YPA Network wants to develop a culture of peace by empowering young people, promoting human rights, dignity, equality and respect of diversity through education, advocacy and other non-violent actions through projects at local and international level.

As YPA Network we promote local and international peacebuilding activities by young people around Europe.

Friesland College

Friesland College is a regional Training Centre (ROC) for secondary vocational education (VET) and Adult Education (AE). Every year about 10,000 students are registered: 8,000 follow a VET education which lasts three to four years, and 2,000 follow short-term courses which can last from a
few days to six months. Students can choose from a wide variety of courses, job opportunities, facilities and activities at Friesland College. These are provided throughout the province of Friesland by a teaching and support staff of 850 members. They are active in several locations, the largest two
being located in Leeuwarden and Heerenveen, in the province Friesland (in the north of The Netherlands).
At Friesland College education begins in practice. That is the premise of learning at Friesland College, where the school aims at providing more exciting, contemporary and challenging education: education that invites students’ initiative, curiosity, reflection and practical application of knowledge.

DEADLINE… 22nd August!

Application results: to be announced on 24th of August.



Oğuzhan — Project coordinator: urhanoguzhan95@gmail.com

Marie — Project coordinator: marie.cucurellafaure@gmail.com

YPAN: youthpeaceambassadors@gmail.com

Youth Peace Ambassadors Network on FB

#feelingsFORall is a project financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme. The content of page represents the views of the author only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.



Youth Peace Ambassadors

The YPA Network is an informal network of 114 youth leaders and peacebuilders, from diverse backgrounds working for peace.