Nowe Kawkowo meets Europe!

zvi 6
3 min readDec 2, 2016

Sharing an experience on how students from Europe met locals in Nowe Kawkowo and embraced diversity

First of all, we had a short brainstorming session with the team and discussed generally about the topic. Then we started the planning process by answering crucial questions, keeping in mind the main points of the workshop. As the most important aim was to define the outcomes of the workshop, we came up with the following:

· Open-mindedness and tolerance

· Curiosity

· Communication with foreigners

· Sustainable learning (motivation for learning languages)

Further on, we continued to follow the tips from the CLAP Talk method to develop our presentation.

We implemented the activity using non-formal education methods. Therefore, we wanted them to feel comfortable: we introduced ourselves in Polish and removed the tables in order to be at all be at the same level. We got to know each other through energizers; and presented our countries through pictures and games. In order to make them discover our languages, we taught them songs. We also wrote a story in Polish and they drew it, so that they would remember this day. Through the workshop, we managed to show them the diversity of Europe and that being different is a good thing.

The attention we got from the children was one of the main indicator that showed us how interested they were in the topic. Their ever-growing curiosity was another proof of our success.

To be better organised, we could have improved our timing, so that we could have enjoyed more time with them.

We have implemented everything we’d planned. However, for the last activity we were more flexible due to the lack of time so we changed the method but the result was the same (drawing a picture).

As our strength it can be mentioned that we learnt to adapt quickly so we could respond their needs.

Another strength that we had a good organization as a team.

We were really excited for the workshop today so we are looking forward to organizing this kind of workshop again.

What we would like to add is that we noticed that they were very curious about our countries and our languages. They were willing to hear different languages. We felt that we inspired them. We showed them that being different is good and enriches you.

Here’s a picture a little girl sent us. We reached our goal! :)

