Safer Internet Day by YPbM

Youth Peace Ambassadors
4 min readFeb 7, 2017

Digital technologies and especially Internet are very strong communication tools of our era which are capable of make remarkable effects on individuals and societies.

That is why, the way that we use digital communication tools matters. In the light of this, we would like to attract your attention to February the 7th, Safer Internet Day!

With the following posters, we — the participants of the Youth Peacebuilders Multipliers project — are aiming to promote safer and positive internet for young people and to raise awareness on topics like cyber-bullying, online hate speech, data protection and digital literacy. Safer Internet, Safer Society!

“With the developing technology, the Internet’s influence on our lives has been increasing day by day. When whole the world is just under your fingers, how can you deal with this power? If you want to be a cyber hero, you should wake up and be aware of all the information mess and social-networking craziness!” — Elif Seckin

Fact checking

“Talk is cheap and truth is deep. If you want to reach, you should dig. Think twice, change source, read again. Don’t judge, be sure and flip over the locket to discover more. The Internet is easy to access and It guests millions of minds which means millions of ideas and conflicts. Don`t forget about the factcheck before you trust.” — Elif Seckin

Be aware of news…

A few tips how to stay safe on Internet

Internet is like an elephant…

Effects of your words…

Every year, around half of teens have been victims of cyberbullying and some, shows suicidal behaviours. So that awareness is the key in order to make internet safer.

How many of you are daily taking benefits by using Internet?

Be respectful online

Some of you just to keep in touch with friends living far from where you stay. Some of you to be updated on foreign politics or maybe just to watch a movie or even just to have a bit of fun. Internet let any frontiers fall down and for sure thanks to it now we feel a bit more closer to each other.




Be aware of hidden identities

On Feb the 7th, the Youth Peacebuilders Multipliers are gonna celebrate the “Safer Internet Day”. Take part to the network, tag 3 friends and live the change.

Share your message with the hashtag #ypbm #saferinternet #saferinternetday#youthpeacebuilders.


Internet is also like a tatoo…

Share the posters in your own language

virtual is also real…



Youth Peace Ambassadors

The YPA Network is an informal network of 114 youth leaders and peacebuilders, from diverse backgrounds working for peace.