Open Call for participants — Neutral Conflict 🌊 — Training courses to deal with conflicts

Youth Peace Ambassadors
5 min readMay 23, 2022

11th — 17rd August — Training course in Serbia + [Dates-TBC] — December training in Spain

looking for: 30 young participants
being residents in one of the partner countries: Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, France, Poland, and Ukraine
when: 11–17 August 2022 (including travel dates — 6 days of training and 2 days of travel)
venue: Serbia + Madrid, Spain (December 2022)
Deadline for application: 10 June
Link to apply -> Click here


Why does this project take place?

At the moment when many countries and people are showing dissatisfaction, protesting, and seeking for respect human rights and democracy, many authorities, instead of searching for a peaceful resolution, have reacted violently. We want to change things, we want to be heard, and we want youth to be part of society’s decisions. Especially, concerning conflicts in intercultural or local communities. This is why we created this project 💛


The aim of the project is to equip youth workers, activists, and trainers with competencies in nonviolent conflict transformation, nonviolent communication, and emotional literacy, in order to be leaders in building a sustainable culture of peace and respect for human rights by working at the grassroots level in their respective communities.

OBJECTIVES (important as this are

  • To provide participants with knowledge of concepts on peace, nonviolence, various forms of violence, conflict, peacebuilding, the culture of peace, and human rights.
  • To understand the importance of nonviolent conflict transformation and its links to the context of human rights.
  • To explore nonviolent conflict transformation in theory.
  • To develop the skills of participants in the field of emotional literacy as a tool of conflict transformation;
  • To provide participants with practical tools for peaceful and nonviolent conflict transformation, mediation, and emotional literacy in the context of youth work and youth engagement in conflict-stricken regions.
  • To map the realities in the participating countries on how conflict and violence affect local communities and practicing human rights;
  • To facilitate the process of planning at least 6 follow-up activities at the grassroots level leading to tackling local conflicts and aiming for its transformation

⚠️ This is a project with 2-training activities. By joining you are committed to taking part in both trainings :)

The activities (training) will take place in:
- Serbia — August 2022
- Madrid, Spain — December 2022

In the meantime between the activities, we will run online meetings and mentorship programs to support the creation of local workshops.


We are looking for:

  • Youth between 16–35 years (older generations are also welcome!)
  • that is living in one of these countries: Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, France, or Ukraine* (you don’t need to be national, you need to live there)
  • active or interested in the field of peace, human rights, and youth work

with some other characteristics (these are not mandatory, but nice to have):

  • Youth workers or youth leaders that work with youth in their communities
  • people active as trainers or educators in non–formal education, especially within youth organizations and associations
  • young people who believe in positive changes in their communities are passionate about issues facing their community
  • people with experience or interest in conflict resolution or transformation, human rights, peacebuilding, or youth work
  • able to communicate in English (we use this language)
  • ready to commit to the 2-activities of this training course + the local workshop that will be a follow-up of the first activity

HOW WE WORK (have you heard about Non-Formal Education?)

The training course will be based on the principles of non-formal education.

We will implement the basic elements of the non-formal education, such as the education being voluntary, organized with educational objectives, participatory and learner-centered, about learning life skills and preparing for active citizenship, based on involving both individual and group learning with a collective approach, holistic and process-oriented, as well as based on experience and action (we will plan the follow-up activities) and starts from the needs of the participants.

Basically is a peer-to-peer (you teach & learn from others) approach 😊

Participants in one of our wellbeing sessions done in Portugal (2021)


We believe in one thing, the power of peace education and the right for all to have an opportunity. That is why, thanks to the ERASMUS+ scheme, we are able to provide this training for you for FREE.

We will be able to reimburse you for your travel to Serbia (1st Activity) with a limit of:

-Serbia — 23 euros
- Belgium, Germany, France, Poland , Ukraine— 275 euros
- Spain, Portugal — 360 euros

And a bit about ourselves 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳

Youth Peace Ambassadors Network

The Youth Peace Ambassadors Network (YPAN) is an informal network of 108 young peacebuilders from across Europe who work with and in conflict-affected communities.

The majority of the members of the network are trained on human rights, non-formal education, and conflict transformation by the Council of Europe in the long-term project (2011–2014).

Our Mission: The YPA Network wants to develop a culture of peace by empowering young people, and promoting human rights, dignity, equality, and respect for diversity through education, advocacy, and other non-violent actions through projects at the local and international levels.

Follow us on 👉 INSTAGRAM👈

Libre-Pensadores de la Sierra de Madrid (LPS)

The Association Libre-pensadores de la sierra de Madrid (LPS) is a cultural organization managed by young people from the north-west of Madrid region. The organization aims to the promotion of participative processes inclusive with youngsters and the spread of culture of respect, human rights advocacy and democratic values. The organization activities started in 2013 taking action from then in more than 30 events, workshops and actions in Spain and other European countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal and the UK)

DEADLINE — 10th of June
Apply !!


Write to this e-mail with the Subject: “Neutral Conflict Training”
localpeaceleposavic [at]

NEUTRAL CONFLICT is a project financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme.

The content of the page represents the views of the author only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.



Youth Peace Ambassadors

The YPA Network is an informal network of 114 youth leaders and peacebuilders, from diverse backgrounds working for peace.