Am I motivated? If not, how do I motivate myself?

Youth’s Digest
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2021

“Those who say I can and those who say I can’t- are usually right”

Will Smith.

Everyone around me is talking about motivation one way or the other. Some wish to stay motivated, while others want to be motivated or seek motivation from the motivated ones. Before I say how I stay motivated or from where I gain my motivation, I would like to clearly state that, “One can never be motivated from others tales of success or failures”. In my opinion, motivation is the driving force of my life; Without which I would be nothing but walking dead. Think of motivation as your heart, so no motivation means you are lacking a heart then what happens to the blood it should pump? This certainly makes our bodies useless. Just like a stove without a cylinder, its fuel source goes to waste. Now let’s place a cylinder, the stove sounds pretty useful, right; But that’s not the case, even with a cylinder the stove doesn’t have any use if there is no operator. Similarly, motivation for me is not of just one form but different.

Anything can motivate me depending upon the situation because I strongly believe in my bias’s words, “You will regret someday if you don’t do your best now”. It was me who said others' experiences and stories can’t get you motivated but those tales can be a foundation for you to motivate yourself. Just listening to stories and drawing a circle around me didn’t help me in igniting the fire inside me; What helped me? the realization that only I can motivate myself. There is more to reading motivational quotes and listening to inspirational personalities, which is to imbibe the core values and push them in yourself. Failure is not the end of yourself but a door to new opportunities, there is a quote to support this: “You Learn More from Failure Than from Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character”. During this pandemic, we can easily lose motivation, there was a time when I had lost my motivation to do anything. At The start of the lockdown back in March 2020, I was very happy that exams got postponed, the government declared holidays kept extending; For the first two months except for online classes and assignments, I did nothing except watching TV, playing mobile games, and continuous streams in Netflix. As the days passed and I started to get bored of movies, TV, and even games; Now neither have I got a thing to do nor have I got my motivation to strive towards something. Those days, everything, I did was in a daze, even I was in a daze, with nothing to do and had lost my motivation to fuel me, I literally felt like just occupying some space in the wide world. Then I decided to get myself together since I hated having nothing to do; Only then did I realize; it was not that I didn’t have anything to do but just didn’t do anything because of my lost driving force.

Without motivation, life may seem lifeless, and the whole world may seem wasteful but it actually the other round. The unmotivated ones have decided to become the worst of the killer, “a time killer”. I definitely don’t want to be a killer anywhere in the future. So, I always chant the most powerful mantra early in the morning, “I CAN AND I WILL”

I will let everyone in on some of my favorite power-packed words:

1. The easiest way to makes your loved ones happy is to make them proud of your success

Make sure to work hard for your loved ones, for them to witness and enjoy your success and happiness together

2. I Can and I Will

Repeat it when everyone feels doubtful about your ability

3. Even when I fall and hurt myself, I keep running towards my dream.

Nothing comes easily, never remove your eyes from your dream, if you are hurt chasing your dream remember it.

4. Wherever you are right now, you’re just taking a break. Don’t give up

Sometimes when things don’t work well and you are stuck, think of this

5. Whatever be the bad thing, EAT UP because eating itself is a good thing

This my all-time favorite dialogue, whenever something bad happens and makes me lose my spirit, I repeat it in my mind and eat to stack energy to beat the bad thing.

