
Youth’s Digest
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2021

1. Being fearless.
Being fearless is the main human value that one should possess. Being fearless allows an individual to be more aware of their environment and themselves. We lead our lives with our experiences. So the more fearless we are, the more we experience. Secondly, it makes us strong and wise. We learn, grow and improve as we become fearless. We may not be always at our best while being fearless, but like I mentioned above; life is an experiment and we must experience everything. The only thing that stops us from being fearless is the consequence of being so. But trust me, it’s worth it. We only die once. But living with fear kills us internally every now and then. Most of the time, when we just go for it; we discover ourselves.
2. Trustworthy
To be someone that an Individual can trust requires a lot of self-control We might not always intend to tell things out what we are not supposed to; but sometimes, in a flow, we might. Even if we didn’t intend to, it may cause pain to the other person.
3. Hope
It’s the only thing that keeps us going. There is no surety for what is going to happen next, but we hope that life would bring us something better. It’s like what gravity is to earth.
4. Humbleness
We never know what each of us goes through so being humble always saves the other person from being hurt. Also, remember this Chinese quote “Do good, reap good; do evil; reap evil.”

5. Be as loving as you can be.
Loving someone is as powerful as hating someone, so what each of these two emotions does to an individual is what I am concerned about.

6. Sense of oneness
There are no superior or inferior beings. And being good to a particular set of people alone is not fair. We could be separated on the basis of religion, caste, nationality, race, and anything beyond my thinking ability, but in the end, we all belong to the same planet and all the souls around us are our own.

7. Rage
We lose control when we let our rage play our part. It is normal to be a hot-tempered person or someone with anger issues but letting it play our part completely is always a choice.
8. Freedom
Neither can we control someone nor be controlled by someone. We are not put here to take control of anyone’s life but our own. Freedom is not something that has to be given or limited. Only the individual has the right to set their boundaries and limits, so even if we do not like what the other person is preferring to do, we just have to accept it.

Understanding that each of us may have similar or dissimilar human values is important, but having a few values in common may allow every one of us to lead a peaceful life.

