Youth’s Digest
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021

“A strong woman is someone who isn’t afraid to share her opinions and speak the truth”, But are we allowed, are we heard when we speak, “She listens, but she doesn’t allow other’s problem/problems to bring her down”. Isn’t that line goof to hear, we don’t need other’s problems to bring us down because we have plenty of our problems to face. Fear the God of emotion is the one thing that keeps all the women behind an invisible line made by ourselves.

There is a long list of fears any women would feel most of the times

1. Fear of being judged:

Nine in 10 women hold themselves back from doing what they want in the fear of being judged by the people. Though several women have shown the courage to break barriers, it is still a long way to go.

2. Fear of speaking up:

All most every time women never speak up for themselves and even if some do try to talk back they are never given the chance and spotlight. Mainly in India, we have a belief where women should always talk less and work more.

3. Fear of gaining weight:

This is a very common fear every woman feels. We always feel bad when we try on a dress bought two or three years back but it no longer fits us that’s frightening. But this particular fear can be controlled and changed.

4.Fear of safety:

The very sad reality for all the women out there, every day, every minute, every second, we always worry about our safety. Can we all step out of our homes with full confidence and not worry about our safety even for a second. No that’s not possible in this generation; people have changed worse, no morals whatsoever.

When we talk about fear, every single thing in a women’s life is fear. No freedom even to voice our opinions, even if do no one is ready to hear them out. Everything a woman does is taken for granted. Even though they work hard both day and night they are not appreciated but spoken ill about.

I believe that a society where women do not feel secure and respected is not worth calling a society. The perfect society is when there is peace for both men and women equally without crimes like rape, domestic violence, and trafficking of women which has to be stopped. A woman sacrifices a lot of things in their life for the sake of their beloved ones and find happiness in their smiles and joy, men don’t have to sacrifice anything for women but give the respect and value that every woman deserve. So please respect every woman’s opinion and thoughts just as they respect everyone.

Cheer up all the beautiful ladies out there, you’re a diamond that shines brightly without even doing anything with that thought have a great day ahead, thank you.



Youth’s Digest

Aspiring writer with my own imagination, Travel with my nation of words as Reading is Recreation of something magical