Ideals for a happy life

Ayman Sheriff
Youth’s Digest
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2021

Values are guiding or motivating values that direct or inspire attitudes and behaviours. Intrinsic values are the attributes we want to uphold to direct our behaviour; they reflect the type of individual we want to be, how we treat ourselves and many others, and how we connect with other people around each other. The current downturn is not a material or financial problem, nor is it an intellectual problem; it is a moral and spiritual downturn.

Everyone needs to live a happy life, and everybody has their unique idea of what a happy life is, however, truly happy life is one that is founded on human values such as reality, love, brotherhood, peace, harmony, forgiveness, and so on. Intrinsic good: something important not that it contributes to anything else, because it is valuable by itself; i.e., good-in-and-of-itself.

According to research, there are many basic human values that we all share. Although our languages, traditions, social ideologies, and beliefs differ, we all share these values. Intrinsic ideals are those that are intrinsically rewarding, such as imagination, social justice, and nature relation. We take control of our own lives when we make it a habit to practise those ideals, steering them in the direction of greater happiness and a better life.

