Youth’s Digest
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2021



I slip into my fantasy world. A world where my body belongs to me and only me. Where my mom doesn’t hush me when I speak about that relative who harassed me. In my place, I don’t have to worry about walking alone in the streets, the size of my clothes and being the only female around men. People do not judge choices made by others. Neither do they control their children nor abandon them. They either love you or let you be. They are tolerant to different perceptions that another individual has. . A happy couple with no children are not constantly reminded about the fact that they have no children but are told that the couple is still a family. The decisions and alternatives preferred by the daughter and the daughter-in-law don’t affect the honor of the family. The male ego is removed from the dictionary itself as it no longer exists. People say "Oh! Her? She’s opinionated and I love it! " than saying that "Yeah she’s a bit loud and it’s not acceptable". There exist only one family and one religion that is love. People have so much love and support for a woman who was sexually harassed or raped. Men understand what it means when a girl says "No". No gender roles subsist. Everyone is aware of the fact that freedom can neither be given nor be snatched away. It is well known that the offspring that one gives birth to is an individual and not a product. Respect for each other and moral values are taught in educational institutions.
And then I come back again to the reality where tags and branding goes on like this :

1. Raped? What clothes were you wearing? Went out late at night? Did you drink?

2. Don’t let your daughter be free because no matter what the loss would yours.

3. Boys will be boys.

4. Cleopatra was a great warrior. She proved herself as an independent ruler, determined to fight for her country in a world dominated by men. She proved to be one of the greatest rulers of Egypt. But, all that we spoke about was her beauty.

5. Goddess Sita was abducted by Ravan, he desired to marry her but she denied it. We still have many fans for Ravan because, in spite of her denial, he didn’t abuse her. Let’s remember that she was already married.

6. Roughly 16 million descendants of Genghis Khan are living today yet we assassinat Draupadi’s character as she married 5 men.

Then ask myself if I over imagined about how I want my fantasy world to be until I told myself that I never have to fit in and that anything that is not in its place needs to be put in its place.

Let us make this world a better place for all of us to live. Let us make sure that the upcoming generation doesn’t have to argue about equal rights and also fight for it. I don’t think all of us want to be fighters and it’s fine, but we are required to be fighters, rebels and misfits to be where we deserve to be.

