Youth’s Digest
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2021



The term “past times” refers to periods of time when you are not working. Resting from our daily routine is excellent, but taking a break for too long may be detrimental, since we may get too sluggish to accomplish any work. As a result, we must make good use of our free time in order to improve our lifestyle and daily routine.

Many individuals don’t like being bored, so they’ll want to do something, right? Why don’t we put that time to good use? When we think of things we’ve done in the past, we think of things like watching movies, hanging out, and so on. We don’t use it in an effective way.

We must use our free time wisely by doing something that benefits us. There are various ways to achieve this, such as scheduling your job not for long periods of time but at least for a portion of each day and learning a new skill in whatever area you enjoy the most. Find yourself and improvise with your secret skill. Don’t limit yourself to improvising by learning; you may also learn new things by traveling the world, visiting new places, and organizing new journeys to keep your dream alive. You can also improvise yourself by experiencing the greatest, just as you did in the past.

“If you love your life don’t waste time,for time is what life is made up of”

-Bruce Lee

We’ve all heard the saying that “impossible” is just a way for people to get out of doing their jobs or responsibilities, but nothing is impossible in this world, and there are plenty of examples to prove it, so we must work hard to turn our impossible into possible so that we can use our free time productively rather than just learning new things and improving our academic skills.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to

Excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

-Paul J.Meyer

