Youth’s Digest
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2021

One of the things that go unnoticed in life is the amount of individual effort people put into doing their job. Since a lot of jobs involve providing a service for someone who needs it, I believe it is very important that we recognize the essence of such an occupation, which is helping. Most of the people won’t accept the defeat and being calm, they won’t oppose it. Then their hard work and their sincerity go failure. It seems as though many people assume the wrong mindset about people who hold a job as a cashier, or waiter, or any other sort of social service.

People simply assume that their work is solely based on their obligation to the community. When, in fact, these workers are the same ordinary people who are also members of the community. It is as though it’s expectant of these workers to perform a high level of conduct, regardless of their individual specificities. And whenever a worker doesn’t meet this expectation he’s being reproached for it.

“Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed”

In my experience, I’ve seen people being extremely rude to cashiers at the supermarkets, or to waiters at the restaurants for trifle matters. I believe that such negative behavior towards a worker is rooted in a person’s inability to see beyond the status of an employee. In that way, they disregard individuality and the amount of effort a person puts into doing their job. There are so many factors that can lead a worker to make a mistake. I think that with more people becoming more understanding and compassionate in their interaction with other people, especially, people they don’t know, our community, in general, can grow.

“There’s nothing worse than feeling unseen and unnoticed in the workplace”, “We all have a human need to be appreciated for our efforts, and so when your colleagues don’t notice your hard work and, it makes you feel as though you don’t belong.” You might also start to worry — justifiably — about your potential professional advancement. “Self-doubt starts to creep in, and you think, ‘If no one notices what I’m doing, how am I going to get ahead?’” But we are not powerless to change the situation. “There are many ways to make sure people understand and see what you do.”

“He has not lived badly whose birth and death has been unnoticed by the world”

You work so hard for your money, so you deserve to be treated right. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work that way, and far too often you find yourself carrying huge stones up the pyramids someone else is taking credit for. Lacking recognition isn’t the point of hard work, so here are some tips to ensure you don’t put in all that hard work while remaining unnoticed.


Engage stakeholders

Commit to providing regular updates — even when there’s not much to report. This will keep your work top-of-mind among stakeholders, make them part of the project.

Give your work a voice

Before you start work, share what you’re thinking and your proposed plan of action. Ask for input regarding your approach, timing, and other considerations. Your work doesn’t have a voice. It relies on you to share its value. When you keep that story to yourself, no one sees the value you create and your work won’t achieve its full potential.

“Always remember someone’s effort is a reflection of their interest in you”

Listen with an open mind

Be sincere when you ask for and evaluate input. You give people the opportunity to see what you’re doing, understand why you’re doing it, and help you succeed. Your work will be aligned with other efforts and the organization’s overall strategy — so it can have more impact. Showing your work will showcase your initiative and talent, grow your reputation as a collaborative team player, and increase appreciation for your contributions.

Respect Yourself…

If you don’t focus on yourself, nobody else will. One of the easiest ways to get attention at work is to suddenly show up in a suit every day. You’ll have the entire office’s attention with everything you do–and by default, all the work you’re currently doing will get a lot more attention.

“Everyone has been in a social situation where you say something and it goes unnoticed, then someone else says the same thing and everyone laughs a lot. You learn how to be more creative and whacky and amusing”

We should improve by ourselves by making the goal happen, learn faster, improve focus, be visible, speak up, take risks, and negotiate such things that help us to be noticed at the work. When we encourage someone for their work, they do the work with more efficiency. If the work is correct, they must be appreciated for their work and their sincerity to their work. Hence, the work of the people should be recognized.

