Strategies: that motivates

Ayman Sheriff
Youth’s Digest
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2021

It’s difficult to keep ourselves motivated. Trying to keep our motivation throughout a task, a project, or even a profession can feel like dragging oneself out of a swamp with your own hair at moments. We appear to have an innate aversion to sustained effort, which no amount of caffeine or motivational posters can overcome.

Effective self-motivation, on the other hand, is one of the major characteristics that separates high-achieving individuals from the rest of the bunch. So, even when I don’t feel like it, how can I keep pushing myself?

Motivation is, to some part, a personal thing. What gets you going might not get me going. And some people appear to be more committed to their goals than others. Whether you’re attempting to lose weight, save for future, or take on a difficult project at work, there are a few strategies that tend to work for the majority of people. Who among us hasn’t failed to achieve an attainable goal due to procrastination or a lack of commitment?

Motivation is what propels us forward, yet remaining motivated isn’t always simple. Learn how to get and remain inspired, as well as what to do if we can’t seem to get in gear. This can be useful if we are trying to figure out what our goals are and how to attain them, or if we are feeling unmotivated and want to get things done.

Motivation can be both positive and negative.

Motivation is what gets us up at dawn, keeps us going thru a task, and retains us motivated to succeed even though things go unpleasant. Motivation, on the other hand, can be both positive and negative. Positive motives emphasise the benefits that will result from doing an action. Bad incentives focus on the negative consequences that will follow if you do nothing.

In different situations, both negative and positive incentives can be beneficial. It is, however, much easier to do something because you want to, rather than because you want to avoid a specific outcome if you don’t. Negative motivation can make you feel helpless and may even reduce your motivation if you don’t have a positive plan of action.

How to Get (and Keep) Motivated

  • Set objectives: When you create a goal, you decide to take actions that will assist you attain your objective. Goals direct your attention in a specific direction that is measurable and has an endpoint. This can assist you in remaining motivated.
  • Make a list of goals that interest you: When you’re working for something you actually want to do or achieve, rather than what other people desire for you, you’re a lot more likely to stay motivated.
  • Within non-interesting aims, look for items that pique your interest: Other people may assign us goals or tasks that we do not find fascinating or wish to complete. So, inside that task, try to discover something that motivates you. For example, ‘I find arithmetic difficult, but it will help me become a builder, which is what I really want.'
  • Make your objective public: You’ve effectively made a pledge to keep your word if you tell someone – or write down – your aim.
  • Make a plan of action: you’re working toward a goal, seeing proof of progress may be quite motivating. Make a visual picture of how you’re progressing toward your objective.
  • Break down your goal into smaller chunks: Begin with easy chores and work your way up to more difficult problems. Breaking down a work into manageable portions in your head can help you gain confidence.
  • Use rewards: Each time you accomplish a step/task, promise yourself a reward.
  • Don’t be alone: Find a group of people with whom you can share your experience. Encouragement from others to keep going may be a huge boost to our motivation, especially when things are difficult.

If I tried but couldn’t get motivated, it could be helpful to talk it through with someone I can trust. It can be difficult to do things on our own, so having a strong support network can be beneficial when facing a major obstacle.

