The future.

Youth’s Digest
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2021

This phrase from the movie Mulan, “ There’s no courage without fear” made me realize that our fears aren’t always bad. But it does not mean that we should take it lightly. Living with fear costs our peace and it’s quite expensive. In the movie, Enola Holmes has rightly said that “Our future is up to us”. Having to carry our future responsibilities on our shoulders seems to be quite heavy. In a year or two, I’d have to lead my life on my own, but this isn’t the only thing that I fear. We never really know how the table turns. When I start my life, there would be no free trials, erasers to erase my mistakes or anyone to guide me. On top of all this, not all of us make histories but it is not like we don’t want to make history. Half the time, we are lost. And this fears me the most. All I have is one life and I want to live rightly. With only the idea of how I want to live, I am afraid if everything would turn out the way I have planned in my head. The future is uncertain so the only thing that one can do in this situation is hope; hope that everything happens for a reason and that it would make sense one day.
Sometimes, I think about what Shakespeare had said,
“All the world’s a stage,
and all the men and women merely players;
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts,
his acts being seven ages. “
Most of my nights are spent thinking about what I would be bringing to my country and my people if I’d play my part righteously and be as loving as I can be. I am aware that when one is real, they learn about themselves and people. We all commit mistakes but most importantly we grow. The only way to know ourselves is to do whatever we think we need to do. And I am in the process of knowing myself because if I don’t know who I am I’d never know my purpose and I will have to live with the guilt of not having my future together. This will also give my responsibilities the power to scare me more and I might choose flight over fight.
All of us are blessed in one way or the other, so am I. All that I can do as of now is to pave the way for better things to enter my life and know as much as I can. I want a life with no regrets because I still can’t bring myself to forgive myself for my actions in the past.
The future could serve me with anything. All that I pray for, is to have a peaceful life. All of our rest in peace but I want to live in peace. But for this to happen, there should be no war, injustices, and hatred. There are two extremes when it comes to emotions, one being love and the other being hate. Their effects are almost the same. The choice is ours and I hope that in the future I would be wise enough to choose a side that suits me and the beings around me the best.
The future is uncertain, but the present isn’t. If I take care of my present well, my future would be mine.

