The Mini World

Youth’s Digest
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2022

8:25 am. Alarm rang. “5 more minutes,” I yelled from one corner of the room.
“Class starts in 5 minutes, idiot.” My roommate kicked.
Mess food is the worst and one can only have it during crisis.
Mess is a place where you meet your unknown batch mates every time you visit there.
Hostel has taught me to complete the entire syllabus just a night before my exams with the help of my genius friends.
Roaming in the hostel corridors during late nights really gives a relief.
Most important thing: You don’t need to buy different types of clothes because your friends and other hostel mates will lend you if you need, but you have to find that one person who has it.
You become extremely patient. Long queue of buckets outside the bathroom and requesting the person in to get out is the best example of patience and humbleness.
You take nothing for granted. Food, sleep, pocket money NOTHING is for granted.
My tummy rings a bell for food at 1a.m. in the night. By the way, I’m all time hungry and run to that snack bag friend in the 4th floor.
Those mid night birthday celebrations, Trust me that’s the best part!
Late night talks are one of the most beautiful thing that only hostel life can give you.Discussing with your friends on random topics, even though you know they are useless!
Here comes the semester exam.
Cringe is that your friend becomes that one night professor.
Waiting for the bathroom to be free. The time taken for a bathroom to be free will be inversely proportional to the emergency of your class.
Pointing out error in hostel food ,and then eating like bhukkad. Most of the time spent on mess food would be for talking rather than eating.
Late night scoldings from warden. My room - the only one getting caught for all random nonsense issues.
Mornings starts with a debate whether to go for breakfast or not. If you go then drink that sugar juice usually called chai and if you don’t, tell your mom & dad that you had.

Coming to the room and dozing off until the cleaning in charges come and start banging your door.
Getting ready for college by all means of jugaad. Comb-room no. 100, jeans-room no. 201 (okay the list continues)
You learn to save money (on everything except food).
Hostel will never give you friends, but a family!
You have fever, no worrying- there are 200 people around you.
ALARMS are set for only self satisfaction.
Birthday celebrations in hostel are always unique and special especially when cakes are not allowed in the hostel premises. You will realize that every edible item around you can be ingredient to make a B’day cake. Eg: dry fruits, chocolates, bread, fruits, biscuits, Jam, Sauce, wafers, sweets etc.,
It’s a hosteller’s basic right to come late to the class.
It’s a sin if you say yours or mine, it’s always OURS.
No wonder if you find same dress on different people at different occasions. Remember the above point?
Spotted a packet of chips on the study table? Grab it right away if you want to eat those chips, because there are only 1% chances you find it there after a minute.
You have all the time on earth to cover every newly released movie, no matter which language it belongs to.
Hostel Life. Day 1 vs Day 365.
Day 1: "Yes, papa. I woke up on time. Took a shower. Had breakfast and then went to college."
Day 365: "I wore this yesterday. If I wear it again, they’ll know, I didn’t take a shower."
Between telling mum you’re sick when you’re not, and telling her you’re fine when you’re sick, hostel happened.

That strict and concerning words of warden. Those sympathy of mess workers.
Not only enjoyment, but also homesickness
Not only independence, but also crave for someone to depend upon
Not only living freely with friends, but also away from their own home
Not only happiness, but also sometimes sorrowful.
Not only outings, but also missing every family functions.

"What is the best thing about your hostel?" Mom asked. "
Finding friends who look after me like you do," I replied.

Day 2: "Hey, can I borrow your charger?"
Day 165: "I’m wearing your dress tonight."
Somewhere in between, roommates became family.

"Did you eat your breakfast?" "Yes maa, of course I did."
Mornings at the hostel usually began with a lie.

We don’t fight for the last slice of pizza. But we do fight for the last spoon of pickle.
We don’t smile for the vacations and trips to roam all around. But we do smile for the small world we created in our little room.
Somewhere between, "I won’t share my room with anyone."
and "All my roommates are really nice,"
We all learnt to share our lives.
You’ll never get a separate space to cry alone. Rather I should say that your friends will never let you cry.
Hostel taught me to deal with the problems on my own without bothering my parents.
It has taught me to manage my stuffs like money management, making my own choices.
Hostel gave me liberty to seek advice and give suggestions for emotional issues like ,happiness, sadness, relationships, and learned to give motivational lectures.
Home was a distant relatives house you had to stay in while studying at college, you called it home but it just wasn’t.”
And the last day has arrived. Vacating hostel. This time my luggage feels more heavy than it should be....

Will miss you!

