Thoughts: the underlying base.

Simrit Kaur Gill
3 min readSep 17, 2021


Thinking is a natural process that each and every one of us perform. We either pay close attention to it or it just happens in the back of our heads. As the saying goes "Think before you speak", it is essential that a person has an entire thought process before saying anything or performing any action. This phenomenon of thinking is inbuilt in all of us and is the very reason we are able to make decisions.

But the question is , where do we get these thoughts from?

When a child is born into this world,its mind is empty. Then it starts hearing things and events happening in the external environment. All that it hears and sees somehow gets registered in its heads. These instances act as the basis for those thoughts that are generated. Every incident we witness gives rise to a certain thought process.

Thoughts are powerless though, unless and until we observe them and give those thoughts attention. However, the immense power they hold against us should not be underestimated. They can either make you or break you. The most fascinating aspect about thoughts is that the only people who can control them are none other than ourselves. A person has total control over his/her thoughts. It's not new to us that we humans can do nothing to change what happens around us, because the external environment is out of bounds. What we change is the way we think, the way we see the circumstances that occur around us, in conclusion we can only control our thoughts.

Thoughts are like seeds, it reaps what one sows. Whatever thoughts we think we get the fruit of those thoughts, be it good or bad. In every situation, one can either choose to think of positive thoughts or they can have negative thoughts. Thinking about the good in everything will keep one happy, whereas thinking about the bad will make one sad. Seizing every little opportunity will help one be successful, while ignoring them will cause failure. The only reason a person is not satisfied or feeling contented is because of their own thoughts that are created by themselves.

  • When it rains, you can either sit and sulk or step out and enjoy mother nature.
  • When you trip on something, you can either get annoyed or laugh it off.
  • When you feel down, think about all that you have and appreciate it.
  • When you are shouted at, you could either get angry or just be a little understanding.
  • When you get into an argument, you can either cause chaos or simply walk away.
  • When you feel wronged try to contemplate and communicate ,not separate.
  • Imagining situations that have not occurred will do you no good, so don't overthink.

Whatever situation comes by our way, we have the ultimate power of choice. It's up to us to tune our thoughts into being full of optimism and to look at the good in all. We always have an opportunity to be happy and escape misery, as long as we are aware of the power of thoughts.



Simrit Kaur Gill

Hey ! Do you ever feel like penning down anything & everything that comes to your mind ? Well we've got something in common, let's read each other's minds then!