Would we all like more happiness and success in our day to day life?
Happiness and success are things that we naturally long for, so the thought of having as much of both as possible is exciting. The motto is, we can all maximize our happiness and success by tapping values in life. If we want to increase our levels of happiness and success quickly, shift our focus to growth rather than perfection. When our growth becomes standard, our definition of success will change, and we will start to experience more of it. We should start writing our own definitions of what both happiness and success mean to ourselves, and pursue them. One of the most impactful lessons I learned growing up was, “our word is our bond.” These simple, yet profound words set the tone for how I went about dealing with both myself and others throughout my life.
Personal responsibility is the key that unlocks our personal power. On the other hand, by taking personal responsibility for our life in all areas, we are unlocking our power to change our life for the better. So, if we want to enjoy more success and happiness, the value of personal responsibility must be present in our life. In many areas of life, the old wisdom quality over quantity is true. If we want more happiness and success in our life, we have to surround ourselves with people who are happy and successful. Life is too short to spend it in the company of people who don’t lift us and aid us in achieving what we desire. When we start to learn the value of being uncomfortable and seek it as a necessary part of our growth process, we will open ourselves and create the opportunity to enjoy more success and happiness in life.
If we start to do and stick to these values, we will find more happiness and success in life.
Typically, I don’t go through my day thinking about whether I need to practice more kindness or more commitment, or even more love. Morals or virtues are usually ingrained in us and come naturally, right? Yes, but if we ourselves become more mindful of the difference that virtues can make in daily life, we all will lead a more fulfilling and happy life. Without commitment, we all have little direction or purpose in life. The moment we commit to something, thoughts become action, and with true commitment, without knowing us we become unstoppable. How hard it is to have faith when things are not going well in life? Having faith provides a spiritual foundation that allows us all to push through difficulties again and again. Gratitude is one virtue that, if practiced, our lives can improve right away. Gratitude helps us to shift negative thoughts to positive ones, and positive thoughts prevent negative emotions. With love, all things are possible, fulfilling relationships, self-confidence from loving ourselves, and service to others.
“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”