Youth’s Digest
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2021



The world as we know is changing, which means it’s time to rethink and reimagine the future…. Let’s all imagine!!

The BIG IDEAS are the strategic action steps for creating the Vision for the year 2030.Only by thinking about where we want to be tomorrow, can we prompt the action we need today. By 2030, I envision a world free from preventable forms of suffering, especially those inflicted by infectious and non-communicable diseases. What would have changed from these dark days of 2020 to today,is the early recognition of health impacts of air pollution by governments, which spurred action around the globe.

My vision for 2030 is a world where cities make better use of the infrastructure they have, before building new projects at huge financial and environmental cost…..

We will deliver the best in everything we do. And support ourselves through insight, expertise and influence.”


Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam had a 2020 vision for India in which he visualized India as one of the most advanced and developed countries of the world. Inspite of so many hindrances and adverse conditions, I cherish another vision. I have named this vision “Mission 2030”.In my envision in 2030 all the cities in the world become more advanced than the present and the people feels more comfort in doing all their works.I believe that state should administer rigorous measurements of student achievement to provide accessible, transparent, and actionable information to all stakeholders.
The are just a few of the glimpses of the vision 2030 I have for my India.

