What if it is the climax!!

Ayman Sheriff
Youth’s Digest
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”

“What if this was your last day?” is a question that is often asked. ” To be honest, I don’t think this topic is really amusing. In reality, if this question is posed to me, I get extremely nervous and attempt to change the topic almost instantly.

There are many folks and stuff in this world that I adore, and I would be heartbroken if I lost them even if I were dead. These are all my immediate thoughts. The unavoidable reality is that the world is going to end one day for me, so I’m not unaware of this fact; it’s just a thought that has never happened to me.

Then I thought about it for a while. The query drained my mind of all other thoughts and demanded my undivided attention for a couple of days. I read, surfed through the net but I couldn’t divert my thoughts until I came to a final conclusion that I found satisfactory.

I wasn’t as perplexed the next moment I was asked the same question as I had been the first time. For the first time in my life, I knew what I would do if this would be my last day in this world.

To begin, I’ll write a detailed letter to everyone I’ve ever met for everything I’ve ever got, expressing my love for everything great and small. Towards all of the events and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. Everything: the books, the movies, the blunders, the feelings. I’m not going to leave any possibility open.

After that, I’ll do anything that makes me feel good. I’ll put a warm shower, buy a double cheese pizza, switch on the air conditioning to relax in my room, and then lie down under a blanket. Take a walk through the woods, watch the dawn and dusk, perhaps read books, listen to my favourite tunes, talk to my favourite people, eat a few chocolates, and start dancing to some music.

Then I’ll throw away all of my photo albums and photographs, drowning in a sea of nostalgia. Reminisce of happy times and grin like a fool. Then say goodbyes to everyone. Tightly hug them. Then I’ll probably let out a final scream. I’ll give myself a hug and tell myself that I love and admire you, and then I’ll settle down on my bed with a smiling face until my last minute.

