Love Your Snooze Button? The Secret to 30 Minutes Extra Sleep AND a Healthy Breakfast

Ahmad C
1st Draft — YPGroup
2 min readOct 5, 2017

Answer honestly: how many times have you intended to wake up early but opted for the snooze button in the last week? If you said once or more, this two-minute read can help.

After eight years in corporate America, I know how challenging it can be to do #allthethings. You come home from an exhausting day at work; have a few hours to squeeze in laundry, dishes, workouts, dinner, errands and be a good girlfriend, boyfriend, daughter, friend, and recharged human being; then wake up the next morning feeling like you could use a few more hours (if not weeks) of sleep to feel rested. That’s why this week’s Food for Thought is essential:

Always have a healthy grab-and-go breakfast option.

This has a few benefits:

  • Healthy protein and fat will give you energy, keep you full, and boost brainpower
  • Skipping the sugary latte or bagel will prevent brain fog and energy crashes
  • You can enjoy an extra 30 minutes of sleep without your alarm intruding every 5 minutes through your most well-intended wake-up time

Need some ideas? Try the recipes below. Make these in mason jars and grab all week:

Or make a dozen muffins and grab a few each morning on your way out the door:

To put it into practice, choose one grab-and-go item you’re going to make this week, then schedule 30 minutes on your calendar (do it right now!) to make it. The next morning? Sleep in an extra 30 minutes and enjoy your easy, nourishing breakfast.

If you want more ideas for making healthy eating easy in busy lives, reserve your seat at the free webinar on October 19, 2017: “Balance Without Losing Your Mind: Healthy Eating for Busy Professionals.”

I have one last question for you: How are you going to feel with all that extra sleep? 😍

This is part of a weekly series by Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Jessica Biber, NTP, owner of Taste of Health and the YPOS recommended nutritionist. This month, we’re featuring one new bite-size #foodforthought per week about meal prepping for busy professionals.

