The Importance of Your Morning Run

Ahmad C
1st Draft — YPGroup
2 min readOct 31, 2017

You know the direction “put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others”? Running is how I put my oxygen mask on to help others in the day. Not only does the exercise and act of running wake me and fill me with energy for my day, but it also calms my mind, fills me with energy, and gives me a small feeling of accomplishment. When I miss a day, I can feel disconnected from my priorities, goals, and myself.

I use my morning run to visualize my day, but most importantly, to get in touch with who I am.

Recognize Yourself

At the beginning of the run I start by noticing my breathing, with each breath, I say thank you to the universe that I am grateful I am alive. I recognize I am healthy, my family is well, and we have peace.

Visualize Your Day

As I continue on, I visualize what do I want to feel in my day. Is it the accomplishment of tasks completed? Is it connecting closer to someone I know? Is it spending my time wisely so I can be present with my family at dinner?
Once I have focused on this goal, I plan it out.

Plan of Attack

How can I make decisions to make that happen today? Better time management, a text, or a note? I find what will work best and mentally note to accomplish that task in the day.

By the end of my run, I feel more confident about my day’s direction. And when the day goes out the window, as it sometimes can, I know I can handle it because I feel energized and clear-headed from the exercise in the morning. During your next morning workout, practice using that time for getting centered, to get ahead.

