About YRUMarchingTX

Annie H Hartnett
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2017

Why Are You Marching? is going local. We were both awed and humbled by the Women’s March on Washington and the enthusiastic response to the Why Are You Marching? Project.

Since then we have been energized and inspired by the magnificently widespread and diverse resistance to the Trump administration that has sprung up across the nation and the world — even in Republican strongholds like our own home state of Texas.

#NoBanNoWallRally Feb. 26th, 2017 in Austin, TX; photo by Annie H Hartnett

Texas is a blood red state with a wild, wild heart that sits at the epicenter of many of the battles that are being fought — at state houses, in courtrooms, and on the streets — over health care; the environment; reproductive rights; voting rights; school voucher programs; and the rights of transgender and brown people, Muslim Americans, and undocumented immigrants. Nowhere will the resistance have to fight harder or will victory taste sweeter than in the Lone Star State.

For these reasons and because we have boots on the ground here, we have decided to hone in on the resistance movement as it develops — fight by fight, vote by vote, and step by marching step — in Texas.

Please join us for stories of the many creative and courageous ways ordinary Texans resist and for news and updates from the field about marches, hearings, rallies, protests, town halls, and other resistance efforts.

You can help us by telling us your stories, by sending us news and media about local events across Texas, and by sharing stories and information with your networks.

Email us at whyareyoumarching@gmail.com. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Medium and Twitter (@YRUMarching2017).




Annie H Hartnett

My new blog, RELATIONS, documents the process of researching and writing the stories of people enslaved by my ancestors in Mississippi and Louisiana.