The Hoxton Duo Who Push Passion

Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2017

Meet Efosa S. Omorogbe and Michael Makinde Founders of Tito: an app helping young individuals get jobs they are passionate about.

How would you describe Tito in under 50 words?

TiTo is an app fixed on making it easy for you to create and find services around you, everywhere. It’s aimed at young individuals, helping them create jobs they are passionate about and making that a simple process. Our mission is to empower young individuals in utilising their skills to create and maintain their dream job.

How did you meet co-founder?

The confounder of TiTo is a childhood friend, we firstly met in primary school. Later ending up living in the same area, Hoxton, when I moved in the late 2000’s.

What gap in the market did you discover that persuaded you to launch Tito?

TiTo was created because we believe there needs to be a better way for people to create their dream job and chase their passions, and in doing so we want to make it easier for people to find all the different types of freelance services people offer in their area, not just the popular ones but the niches such as Henna artists, Product Photographers, Yoga teachers etc. Basically all the skills under the sun.

How do you differentiate yourselves from your competitors?

TiTo focusses on making it simpler for individuals to turn their passions into paid work, essentially creating their dream job. Competitors may have similar concepts but we understand the value in each individual’s dreams at TiTo and this cannot be replicated.

It’s not about if it hasn’t been done before, it’s about the way you do it that makes it different and they way you do it can never be repeated because of how everyone’s individual life experiences are motivated by different needs and wants. You can’t replicate that!

Where do you see Tito in 5 years time?

TiTo in 5 years time, will be international on smartphones in over 50+ countries. Leading us closer to our aim of revolutionising the mindset towards jobs and creating a balance between career aspirations, talent and experience.

Our focus is cultivating a community spirit that solely invests in our natural resources e.g talented individuals with an abundance of skill. Ultimately TiTo will create a thriving space for people to live through their passions globally.

What is the biggest hurdle you have faced or are still facing?

Development! Waiting for our developers overseas to finally reach a stage of completion, one that we can be proud of and attach our names too. We’ve had several months of back and forth refining to execute our first release of TiTo to our expectations.

What advice would you offer to any soon to be startup founders out there?

First piece of advice? Always remember how great you are and why you are in pursuit of this current journey you are on. Once you believe in yourself the world has no choice but to adapt and follow suit.

The second piece of advice? Speak — Wherever and whenever you get the opportunity to network or showcase your idea or business, do exactly that. You will never know who is able to help you if you don’t let them know they can’t help. Speak up, speak out!!!

What are you most excited about at the moment?

One thing I would say excites me the most presently is the amount of impact I know TiTo will have on individuals lives. The ability to showcase your passion on a day to day basis is something that has not been done in this manner before.

Secondly, the day we Launch TiTo for the public to see all our hard work. The feedback already has been very promising even though we have yet to officially launch it.

Can you convince the reader to start using TiTo in under 50 words?

TiTo is all about — YOU. What YOU want to become. What YOU are passionate about. What job YOU will be happy doing for the rest of your working life. Whatever that is, we want to give you the tools to:

Find it.Create it.TiTo it!

By Michael Makinde

