The UX Conference through the eyes of YSYS Scholars

Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2023

During the YSYS and Google UX Design programme, several of our talented YSYS scholars had the unique opportunity to attend the much-anticipated UX Conference in London. This event gathered professionals and students from across the industry promising a “no waffle” experience, focusing on practical learning and valuable networking.

YSYS scholars at the UX Conference

Our scholars had the chance to mingle with a diverse group, who each brought their own unique journeys and perspectives. They took advantage of the opportunity to engage with individuals at various stages of their UX careers. For our scholars, it was a testament to the unifying power of design.

What got our scholars’ attention?

One session that particularly stood out was Yummie Kim’s session on StoryTribe, an app simplifying the process of storyboarding. Yummie’s session wasn’t your typical tech presentation. Her blend of humor and expertise made the session an insightful experience — and a memorable one!

Yummie’s session and approach to UX Design fundementals, reminded the scholars that there’s always room for creativity in learning and execution. It’s about finding the balance between efficiency, enjoyability and passion.

The Magic of Networking

While the led sessions were brilliant — true to YSYS spirit, it was the networking and relationship building that truly enriched the experience. This provided our scholars with invaluable insights and connections, highlighting the essence of what sets industry events like the UX Conference apart.

We’re thrilled to have facilitated learning and connection for our scholars throughout the scholarship programme!

About the Google UX Design Scholarship, from YSYS

The partnership between YSYS and Google aimed to support our scholars through Google’s UX Design certificate with the tools, mentoring and resources they need to thrive. The scholarship programme concluded in October 2023, completing our scholars study of the comprehensive syllabus, tackling key topics such as user testing, design prototypes, and wire-framing.

