A few words of advice to the Christian entrepreneur …

Bernard Bannor
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2017

“Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!”

Proverbs 14:23

This verse is pretty much self explanatory, but it is a verse that screams the human daily battle of …


Let me put things into perspective …

God has really given us the gift of life - I saw a fact the other day which really put things into a greater perspective!

The probability of you being born was about 1 in 400 trillion

To even be alive on this earth is such a blessing in itself , that God has given us — this is even more an incentive as to why we need to make the absolute most of every single day on this earth before our time is up. When we just talk without action the only result is poverty, even the Bible can back me up in saying this.

We are all children of God, crafted and created in his image (Genesis 1:27 NLT), therefore, by default we have inherited certain characteristics from the one who created us, in the same way we have also inherited features from our parents on earth.

3 features that we have inherited from God

  • Courage to overcome our battles | Job 11:18 and Acts 27:22
  • Being content with what we have no matter the situation | 1 Timothy 6:8 and Philippians 4:11
  • Creativity, he created us and we have adopted that creative ability, therefore, we are innovators and creators | Genesis 1:26

Knowing that we have inherited these characteristics of God, what reason is there for you not to utilise it to the best of your ability???


(For the uncles and aunties: Wavey = Talented, Blessed, Cool)

You are courageous, anywhere you go, you will overcome the difficult situations and battles that you will face because it is a part of your DNA (and the church say …)


Be content with what you have, God has given you more than enough to pursue his purpose for your life.

Here are a few examples of people that started of with what was perceived as nothing (your life is an ASSET, you have all that you need)but turned that into something much bigger.

Jerry Yang

Jerry Yang, Co-Founder of Yahoo
  • His father died two years after he was born.
  • When he arrived at America, the only english word that he knew was “shoe”.
  • Despite his “disadvantages” he excelled in his education, he went to go on to study at Stanford.
  • He dropped out of his Ph.D. program to co-found Yahoo in 1995 and has recently stepped down from his position in the company.
  • His current net worth is $2.4 Billion

William Hewlett & David Packard

An image taken in 1952 of William Hewlett & David Packard, the Founders of HP (Also known as Hewlett-Packard)
  • Met at Stanford university in the early 1930s.
  • Encouraged by a professor, whom was also their mentor, to start their own business.
  • The young engineers at the time raised $538 in start-up capital and also set up a shop in a car garage.
  • HP now have a net worth of around $55 billion!


  • From Year 8, he had been excluded many times until he finally got kicked out of his sixth form — Despite this, he achieved 6 A* GCSEs.
  • Before entering the music industry, he studied for an apprenticeship and also worked in quality assurance for an oil refinery firm in Southampton.
  • Living out of London, left him “hungry” to get back into the music scene — he released his first EP, entitled Dreamers Disease in 2014.
  • He won a MOBO award that same year for ‘Best Grime Act’ and won it again, a year later!
  • He recently released his first album, Gang Signs and Prayer and is now on the Forbes’ 2017 Cash Princes List with an estimated net worth of £1.5 million.

Everyone is a creative, that is a fact! Whether you do not believe it or not, it is true! Create your own platform, create your own opportunities, walk on the pathway that God has intended for you — don’t rely on those people that you would associate with being “powerful” and “successful” …

Psalms 146:3–4

Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth and all their plans die with them.

Entrepreneurs are individuals that have gone against the status quo, they have gone against all of the odds that were against them and they have been able to change their life for the better.

My final words of advice

Do not forget God when you become successful, humble yourself, don’t let it get to your head — give all the glory to him! The death of Herod Agrippa in Acts 12:20 is a clear example of what happens when you take all the glory and give God nothing back!

