YSYS Impact Report 2019–2020

Published in
5 min readMar 4, 2021

Today we are proud to share our Impact Report (2019–2020) which highlights the positive impact YSYS has made on the community. This report details some of the ways we have demonstrated our commitment to driving diversity and inclusion within the startup ecosystem. Our Impact Report gives a snapshot of what we achieved in 2019–2020, none of which would have been possible without the support of our community, partners and team.

Since 2017 we provided access to opportunities for 17,050 diverse individuals across the UK, ranging from new job opportunities to connections with investors. We are hugely thankful to our community and ecosystem for their continued belief in YSYS and we look forward to taking strides ahead, together, in 2021.

This latest edition is grounded in the following theme: Access.

Reimagining access is not only reimagining a more hopeful future but reexamining our methods to get there. At YSYS we asked ourselves: how do we make our website more inclusive and accessible for people with epilepsy? How do we reach out to a young black man living in Brixton about the opportunities in tech and the mentorship we have available? How do we support women launch startups and break the glass ceiling?

The answer: #YSYS2023, our bold mission to provide 100,000 diverse individuals with access to startup and career opportunities in tech. Through our Impact Report, you can learn more about the steps we’ve taken to fulfill our mission and stories from our community.

With today’s launch, we’re celebrating 4 years of campaigning for a diverse, inclusive and accessible tech ecosystem


Key Facts and Figures

Impact Summary

FoundersDoor: focuses on helping founders take the next vital step in their startup. We give early-stage startups and scaleups the strategies needed to build successfully, from reaching product-market fit to connecting with investors, through training, workshops, events, mentorship, office hours and a supportive community.

Through FoundersDoor we have supported 3,170 diverse founders launch, scale, and grow their startups. Our community collectively has raised £5,792, 565 in investment. 38.6% of our community of startups have created new jobs. 72.9% agree or strongly agree that being part of YSYS has helped them gain skills or increased their knowledge in building a startup.

Shortlisted for the UK Digital Leaders 100 Award, and came Top 10 in the Digital Skills and Inclusion Initiative of the Year

TalentDoor: focuses on helping diverse talent gain employability skills and career opportunities. We provide networking opportunities, workshops, and recruitment events to support diverse talent kick start their careers and connect with inclusive employers.

Through TalentDoor we have supported a community of 2,610 diverse individuals to move forward with their career goals. 62.9% of our talent community were offered a new job or promotion, 22.9% secured an internship and 34.3% received a pay rise in the last two years.

80% of the TalentDoor community stated that being part of YSYS has made them more confident in applying for jobs or promotions.

Impact of Covid-19 on Diverse Founders Report: During the pandemic, YSYS joined forces with Extend Ventures, Bethnal Green Ventures, Community Growth Ventures, Kwanda, BYP and 10x10 to gather insights on the impact of Covid-19 on diverse founders.

We found 36% of diverse founders citing loss of income, 18.8% worried about cash flow, 29% of diverse founders seeking mentorship, 23% coaching, 21% community, 16% wellbeing and 9% office hours. At YSYS we have used these insights to tailor our programmes and partnerships to close these gaps and ensure our community is being provided with the necessary support during these turbulent times, placing great emphasis on supporting our community with wellbeing and connecting them to mentors and coaches.

The Rise of Black Communities: We brought diverse founders, changemakers and investors together for a two-part series event, called The Rise of Black Communities, to share ideas and examine how we are working together to build a better future and equitable industry. We discussed how we can empower our communities to mobilise, influence, stand as ally’s and move beyond the hashtag, propelling ourselves from awareness to immediate action. For this event we had 1,270 attendees who were committed to hearing what we had to say and hold space to hear each other out.

YSYS Advocate: In 2020 we launched YSYS Advocates, a community of changemakers, who are committed to campaigning against the exclusion of diverse communities within the startup ecosystem. Since launching we’ve worked on Community Response to Future Fund and The Know Your Data Campaign with 233, advocates committed to:

  1. Raising awareness of issues that impact diverse founders and talent
  2. Helping transform conversations about diverse founders and talent
  3. Creating space where people can connect with diverse founders and talent

Diversity and Inclusion: At YSYS we have delivered 3750 hours of Diversity and Inclusion training to corporates, startups, accelerators and more, such as Connect Ventures, FiTT TV, Aula, Beringea to name a few. We’ve supported 12 London leading accelerators design inclusive programmes and attract diverse founders with our Diversity Action Plans: Backstage Capital London, Colour in Tech, EIT Food, EF Founders Factory, Geovation, Global City Ventures, Seraphim Capital, Startup Bootcamp, Tech Nation, Sport Tech Hub and The Family.

Community Partnerships; We partnered with Onetech, by Capital Enterprise. Our community engagement work contributed to a 225% increase in women and 53% increase in BAME founders on Capital Enterprise investment readiness programmes, with a specific increase in Black founders of 300%. We partnered with EIT Food, as a result, our community engagement work , grew EIT Food community by 247 people of which 62% BAME individuals and 74% women.

YSYS 2023 Partners: Atomico, bp Ventures, Brandwatch, Hogan Lovells, LEGO Ventures, Niantic, Mayor of London, Travers Smith, 10x, Innovate UK , Founders Forum, Founders Intelligence, Founders Keepers, Ventures Studio by Crisis

