A Non-Tech Intern’s Summer Experience At GovTech

Joanne Koh
6 min readNov 29, 2023


When GovTech comes to mind, it’s often immediately associated with tech-related internships. This association is understandable, given GovTech’s prominent standing as a technological agency, and the fact that a significant proportion of their interns specialise in tech. However, have you ever wondered what it is like for a non-tech intern at GovTech?

Hi there! I’m Joanne, a second-year Business undergraduate at Nanyang Technological University. As a non-tech intern who spent the past summer working as a Digital Marketing intern in the Communications and Marketing Group, I’m excited to share my fulfilling five-month internship experience!

You Never Know If You Never Try

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.”

Helen Hayes

I distinctly recall applying for the summer internship at GovTech with fairly modest expectations about hearing back. Therefore, I was excited when I received an interview invitation.

Interviews can be quite intimidating, especially if you are not prepared. To ensure I was ready for the interview, I did some prior research on GovTech’s products, services and initiatives. When the interview day arrived, I was introduced to my soon-to-be supervisor, Anusha, and our team lead, Rachel. I was relieved to discover their friendliness, which went a long way in calming my nerves. With enthusiasm, I conveyed my keen interest in the internship opportunity and how I could bring value to the team through my skills and experiences. The culmination of this process was the gratifying moment when I received the official internship offer.

First Day of Internship

Prior to my first day at GovTech, my emotions were a swirling mix of anticipation. On one hand, I felt nervous about whether I would fit into the seemingly extroverted environment of a large company. On the other hand, I was excited about the brand-new experience awaiting me — working in a Marketing department within a reputable organisation.

I stepped into the office on the first day of my internship, bracing myself for the typical hustle and bustle that comes with a crowded office space. But to my surprise, the office was… half empty?

Is the office half empty or half full?

Photo by Edan Cohen on Unsplash

I had previously held a somewhat traditional image of working within a government agency: strict 9-to-5 schedules, a rigid five-day workweek, and the mandatory physical presence of every employee.

Hence, you can imagine my surprise when I learned about the hybrid working culture at GovTech. Both employees and interns have the flexibility to choose between working from the comfort of their homes or the office. Opting for the work-from-home option was a true blessing for a budget-conscious university student like me, enabling significant savings on meals, commuting expenses, and precious time.

For those who preferred the office ambience, the ‘hot desking’ initiative allowed employees to select their preferred workspace within the office. One of my favourite spots in the office was the common area adjacent to the pantry, a place where I could seamlessly combine work with the enjoyment of scenic views and refreshments from the pantry.

On my work-from-office days, I usually sat with my supervisor, Anusha, the primary person who guided me throughout my internship, teaching me the ins and outs of Marketing.

At GovTech, every intern is paired with a dedicated supervisor as part of the internship programme.

Comprehensive Internship Programme

Meeting other interns at Intern Engagement Day!

When I first joined GovTech, I did not expect to interact with many of the other interns, especially those working in different buildings. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Events like Intern Engagement Day, Collab-X, and Brown Bag Sessions provided opportunities for interns to network and connect with other interns. On Intern Engagement Day, I had the chance to meet both non-tech and tech interns, and I found it interesting to hear about the respective projects they were working on. In addition to our respective supervisors, each of us was also assigned to a mentor whom we could seek for valuable career advice and support.

Designing For GovTech’s Newsletter

Throughout my five-month internship, I had the opportunity to explore various aspects of marketing. I had the exciting opportunity to create visually captivating biweekly EDMs (Electronic Direct Mail) and automation series for our newsletter, TechNews. By diligently crafting engaging content for TechNews, I actively fostered a strong connection with our valued subscribers. It was rewarding to observe the engagement of subscribers who showed an interest in the series I crafted.

This experience enlightened me about the importance of email engagement through EDM content and design. Email marketing plays a pivotal role in sustaining TechNews’ readership and driving website traffic, underscoring the significance of the work I was involved in during my internship.

Here are a couple of my favourite Technews series that I created 🙂:

Cybersecurity Series
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Series
Tech Term Series

(P.S. If you’re interested in seeing more, sign up for the GovTech TechNews newsletter here!)

Something New Is Brewing…

Another standout task during my internship involved supporting my team in revamping our website. I conducted an SEO analysis to propose new content for our upcoming website redesign.

You may have also noticed our chatbot, Gayle, on the website. We receive many inquiries through Gayle every day, ranging from questions about GovTech products and initiatives to more unusual queries like weather updates and love advice (unfortunately, we don’t have the answers to that…). To enhance our chatbot’s responses, I assisted in training it by identifying important questions it could not answer and providing relevant responses.

These tasks often extended beyond the marketing sphere I was familiar with. However, thanks to the invaluable support and guidance from Anusha and my colleagues, I was able to adapt and learn quickly. Furthermore, even as an intern, my ideas were actively embraced and integrated into projects, instilling a profound sense of accomplishment and motivating me to continue striving for excellence.

Closing Of A Chapter

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

Steve Jobs

As I conclude this chapter, I am grateful for the incredible experience at GovTech which has helped me to grow both personally and professionally. While the future is uncertain, I’m excited to carry these lessons with me as I step into new chapters of my career path!

Interested to learn more about GovTech’s internship programme? Find out more at go.gov.sg/govtechinternship!

