From School to Work

Yi Jing
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2024

Hey reader! I’m Yi Jing, (fairly new) full-time Data Scientist in GovTech’s Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID). I’m a Smart Nation Scholar with GovTech, and worked as a UI/UX designer before university studies. Now, I’m in DSAID working on GenAI products!

Becoming a Smart Nation Scholar wasn’t really on my radar when I started university. In fact, if it wasn’t for my mom nagging me, I probably wouldn’t have applied to any scholarships! What’s funnier is that I found out about the Smart Nation Scholarship through Facebook advertisements; I didn’t bother to research hard. Either it’s fated or Facebook’s ad algorithm has done its job effectively 👍 After that, I spent 4 years studying Information Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU).

One of the great things about being a SN scholar is the amazing experiences it has brought me! I’ve had the opportunity to speak at outreach events and even be part of filming a promotional video — definitely something unique. Attending GovTech conferences like STACK as a university student was also invaluable in keeping up with industry trends and technologies. It’s given me insights into what I should focus on in my studies and how I can apply them to my future career. Another requirement of the scholarship is to complete at least one internship with GovTech. This has been incredibly beneficial as it allowed me to intern with a division that piqued my curiosity and interest. It provided me with valuable learning experiences and insights into whether this field is something I would like to pursue in the future.

Stills from the SNS promotional video
Stills from the SNS promotional video

Now, I’m 7 months into my full-time job! I’ve been focusing on a GenAI tool called Appraiser for the past six months. It’s designed to help users like you write their first drafts of testimonials, appraisals, or remarks. At first, I managed the Streamlit prototype for Appraiser, handling user tests, feedback, and updates. Then, I jumped into front-end development, which was both exciting and nerve-wracking, given my background in HTML and CSS. It was a whole new ballgame from data science! My senior colleagues were incredibly supportive throughout this transition, providing guidance and advice that were instrumental in my learning process. Their expertise helped me understand the complexities of building features and products, something I hadn’t fully grasped before. Engaging in discussions with them gave me a deeper appreciation for the thought and foresight needed in this field. This experience has been a steep learning curve, but it’s shaping me to make more informed product decisions in the future.

My team when we went to hike Bukit Timah :-)

Even though I have an amazing team supporting me, being the only fresh grad can sometimes feel a bit lonely :”) Luckily, I’m part of the Technology Associate Programme (TAP), or as we like to call ourselves, TAPpers! TAP allows me to connect with other new graduates at GovTech, where we can support and learn from each other as we embark on this new journey. It’s been a blast hanging out with everyone at TAP events like last year’s Engineering Bootcamp in July, or just catching up over supper prata. Transitioning from school to a full-time job can be intimidating, but having friends who understand and share similar experiences has made the journey much easier and more enjoyable.

Scaling new heights with fellow TAPpers at the Engineering Bootcamp 🧗

The TAP programme also pairs us with a senior in GovTech , who serves as our mentor for our career development. I’m grateful for my mentor, who has been an invaluable guide, offering me wise counsel and support during moments of career uncertainty. He not only shares his wealth of experience but also suggests practical courses and projects that have broadened my perspective. Without his guidance and the camaraderie of my fellow TAPpers, my journey in GovTech would have been much more daunting and less fulfilling.

Looking back, it’s been quite a ride — from working as a UI/UX designer to taking the leap as a SN scholar and now thriving in a role I never saw coming. I truly believe that a lot of these amazing opportunities came my way because I decided to apply for the SN scholarship, even if it was a bit of a spontaneous decision. If you’re considering this scholarship (or any scholarship really), my advice would be to go for it! You never know where it might lead you. Take a leap of faith, apply, and see where it takes you.

Find out more about the scholarship at

