Life as a Cyber Security Intern at GovTech

Security By Design, Not Through Obscurity

Jeremy Chow
8 min readMar 5, 2024


About Me

Hello, I’m Jeremy, a Year 3 Information Security student from Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) interning at GovTech’s Cyber Security Group (CSG). As I embarked on my year-long internship at GovTech, I was filled with anticipation about the opportunities that lay ahead. The chance to immerse myself in the field of cyber security and to contribute to GovTech’s innovative projects was an invaluable opportunity.

GCD-DARE Interns 2023

Structured Internship

The internship programmes offered by GovTech are organised and well-planned as they follow a clear framework and schedule. You will also be expected to achieve a set of milestone goals by the end of your internship.

Each intern will be assigned a Reporting Officer (RO) who will guide you along your internship journey. Your RO is someone with relevant industry experience. They can be your supervisor, mentor or even someone you can discuss your ideas with.

I was fortunate enough to have been assigned with multiple ROs who have enriched my learning experience throughout my time at CSG, namely Brian, Qing Xi, Tse Hsiang and Andrew.

During my internship, I was tasked with working on the evaluation of emerging technologies related to cyber security. Through this, I developed a keen understanding of the need for continuous learning and staying updated with the latest threats, technologies, and best practices in this ever-evolving cyber threat landscape.

The use of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework helped me to gain a better understanding of the cyber threats and attack techniques that are being carried out in the industry. The framework provides a comprehensive and structured approach to categorising and describing the various tactics and techniques that adversaries use during cyber-attacks.

By working on real-world projects and simulations, I was able to gain practical experience in configuring security measures for the project environment whilst ensuring that regulatory compliances are adhered to. The hands-on experience that I had was invaluable in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. The internship also exposed me to a variety of security tools and technologies that are being actively used in the field.

Collaborating with cross-functional teams and presenting my project findings to the stakeholders have also improved my communication skills. I managed to learn how to convey complex technical information in a clear and concise manner.

Despite it being a structured internship, I was still given the freedom to explore my own ideas on how I should solve the given problem. This has allowed me to harness my innovative thinking and problem-solving skills while still adhering to the overarching milestone goals of the internship programme.

Networking Opportunities

Being an intern comes with its benefits. The Young Talent Team from GovTech’s People and Organisation Division (POD) plan multiple intern engagement activities throughout the year. Emails regarding the upcoming events for interns will be sent out from time to time, do sign up for them if you are able to. Learn as much as you can from these events and take every opportunity to network with your fellow interns as you will probably meet different people at every event due to the nature of the different internship schedules.

Intern Engagement Day (16 January 2023)

Intern Engagement Day was an important moment of my internship experience as it introduced me to GovTech’s culture and industry dynamics. It was held about 2 weeks after I joined GovTech. We were seated according to our mentor groups and each of these groups consisted of interns from various divisions. I was even able to meet interns who were situated at GovTech’s Hive office. This gave us a chance to learn more about their departments and their day-to-day tasks.

We were even given a welcome pack which included a tote bag, lanyard, pass holder and laptop stand! It was to my surprise when I realised that the ones hosting the very event were actually interns from the Young Talent Team who had joined around the same time as me.

Though the event was filled with many takeaways, the main highlight was meeting our mentors, some of them who are from GovTech’s Technology Associate Programme. They shared all kinds of tips and insights about their time at GovTech and how we can better prepare ourselves for the journey ahead.

Brown Bag Session by DSAID (14 February 2023)

There were also brown bag sessions organised for us to learn about the different tech domains! GovTech’s Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID) shared about Transcribe, a Speech-to-Text platform with auto transcription capabilities, as well as the technology stack that was used to develop it. The speaker also talked about the lessons that he had learned by working on the project. Despite not being a software engineer myself, I felt that the tips shared by the speaker were very applicable to how I can better improve my software development skills for future projects.

Brown Bag Session by GDS — ACE (31 July 2023)

The Brown Bag Session hosted by Government Digital Services (GDS) — Agile Consulting & Engineering (ACE) brought together a variety of speakers, each representing a different role within the division.

The lineup included Software Engineers responsible for designing and developing functionalities, DevOps Engineers orchestrating seamless development and deployment, Quality Engineers ensuring reliability, UX Designers crafting user experiences, and Delivery Managers overseeing project success. This diverse group of professionals highlighted the many dimensions that were in a project team and provided insights into their respective roles.

During the session, the software engineers offered insightful interview preparation tips. One key recommendation was to have a solid grasp of at least one development stack. They also highlighted essential mindsets for success, such as having a strong willingness to learn, adopting a curious approach to the subject matter, and approaching challenges with the right attitude.

Moreover, it is important to work on side projects like application development and to be confident in utilising development pipelines. The familiarity with DevOps tools such as Terraform and Ansible was also highlighted as an important aspect of effective interview preparation.

Additionally, the speakers also discussed the concept of Agile Methodology, a widely used approach for developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This allows for the quick identification of shortcomings and potential failures if the product fails to effectively address the problem. Instead of dwelling on these setbacks, the Agile Methodology emphasises on rapid iterations, enabling the development team to readily switch to alternative solutions when required.

Intern Bonding Day (18 April 2023)

Intern Bonding Day served as a valuable opportunity for interns at various stages of their internships to come together and catch up. We were invited to meet and network with the other interns though the icebreakers and board games planned before heading off for the volunteering event (more on that below).

Intern Day (21 July 2023)

Interns from OurSG Grants (OSG) and Whole-of-Government Application Analytics (WOOGA) were given the time to share about their roles and contributions as well as their key takeaways upon the completion of their stint at GovTech. Non-Tech interns from the Communications and Marketing Group (CMG) and POD were also invited to share about their work experiences.

Giving Back to the Community

Intern Volunteering Event (18 April 2023)

The Intern Volunteering Event held at Lions Befrienders @ Ghim Moh was a chance for the interns from every division to dedicate their time to the community. The carnival-like event was organised by GovTech’s Intern Experience Committee in collaboration with Lions Befrienders.

Station Games: Origami and Can Toss
Joining in the Bingo Fun!

The seniors of the community were invited to join us for an afternoon of fun with activities and carnival games like Origami, Can Toss, Bottle Bowling and Bingo which we had organised for them. We interacted with the seniors by providing instructions on how to play the games and to also ensure that they are in a safe environment while participating in the games.

It was heartening to witness firsthand how much the elderly participants appreciated us spending the afternoon playing the carnival games and communicating with them. Seeing their smiles and genuine enjoyment has reinforced the joy of giving back to the community. The satisfaction of making a positive impact is truly fulfilling.

CSG Intern Appreciation Day

CSG also held our very own Intern Appreciation Day where we celebrated and acknowledged the contributions made by the interns within the department. The BBQ event created a relaxed and enjoyable environment where we could interact with our colleagues and mentors in an informal setting. It also served as a platform for building connections and fostering relationships among interns and full-time employees alike.

The Friendly Faces of GovTech’s Cyber Security Group
CSG Interns Putting Their BBQ Skills to the Test
Receiving Our Token of Appreciation

My internship experience at GovTech has been nothing short of fulfilling. The way the programme was structured provided me with valuable insights into the industry, allowing me to grow both personally and professionally. From interacting with experienced professionals to tackling real-world challenges, every step of this journey has given me a deep sense of accomplishment. I am truly grateful for the opportunities, connections, and memories that have made this internship a truly enriching chapter in my professional development.

Key Takeaways

Here are several key principles to help you during your internship:

  1. Embrace challenges with a positive attitude. While the tasks presented to you may be demanding, they serve as a chance for you to grow, allowing you to better prepare yourself for the industry.
  2. Build your network. Take the opportunity to build relationships with your colleagues, mentors, and fellow interns which will not only help you to collaborate better with your team but also broaden your professional network.
  3. Stay curious. Be proactive in approaching new concepts with genuine interest, seeking a deeper understanding and to keep asking questions that will maximise your learning.

With that said, come join GovTech’s Internship Programme to experience all of this for yourself! Learn more about the internship programme at



Jeremy Chow
Writer for

Cybersecurity intern dedicated to exploring the ever-changing landscape of online security.