🤖🎉 My Fun-filled GeekOut Adventure 🚀💡

Hor Justin
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2023

When I first heard about GovTech’s annual GeekOut Bootcamp, I thought it would be just another tech event to attend during my June holidays. But oh boy, was I wrong! What followed was an incredible week packed with workshops and fun activities. Not only did I get to explore the fascinating world of technology and its role in public service, but I also made amazing friends along the way. Join me as I share about my unforgettable GeekOut adventure and how it transformed my perception of technology.

1. A Warm Welcome to GovTech 👋👋

The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement the moment I stepped into GovTech. We were greeted by an enthusiastic team who shared more about GovTech and its role in public service. We kickstarted the bootcamp with some ice-breaker games as I wondered what it would truly take to be Agile, Bold, and Collaborative.

2. GeekOut Squad😎: Building Lasting Connections🤝

Group picture with our mentor, Dalson Tan

One highlight of the GeekOut Bootcamp was the opportunity to work with an incredible group of people from diverse backgrounds. My group’s mentor, Dalson, was not only super supportive and knowledgeable, but he was also very approachable and had a great sense of humour. I still remember laughing for 5 minutes straight because of his jokes! 😂😂

3. A Deep Dive into the Tech Universe🚀✨

Familiarising ourselves with the UI/UX process

Through various workshops, I was exposed to different tech domains which include:

  • UI/UX Design
  • Cybersecurity
  • Software Engineering
  • Sensors & Internet of Things (SIoT)
  • Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The workshops were extremely insightful and interactive, allowing me to hone my technical skills while having fun. During the SIOT workshop, we could even keep the components used (ESP8266 WiFi Module) so that we can tinker with it at home!

4. Engaging with GovTech Senior Leaders: Sharing Sessions and Fireside Chats 💬🌟

Steven Koh, Director of the Government Digital Service (GDS) Division

One of the most valuable aspects of the GeekOut Bootcamp was the chance to engage directly with GovTech’s senior leaders during the fireside chat where they shared about how GovTech has used #TechForPublicGood. These sessions gave us a deeper understanding of the diverse tech domains within GovTech, such as cybersecurity, data science and artificial intelligence, and how they come together to address pressing societal challenges.

5. The Hackathon Finale: Empowering Accessibility for All 👨‍💻🏆

During the week, participants were tasked to develop a solution to tackle the following problem statement:

“How can we use technology to make the future more accessible, and to empower everyone, especially those with disabilities?”

My team proposed a mobile application called SGTrail, which aims to help people with mobility constraints to find accessible facilities.

Key Features

Our web application features three key components:

Key Features of the SGTrail App
  1. Map: Provide an overview of nearby wheelchair-friendly locations using the device’s GPS and a search bar for efficient navigation.
  2. Report/Suggest Function: Allow users to report inaccuracies in the map or suggest wheelchair-accessible facilities at specific locations. Verification by nearby users ensures the accuracy of these updates.
  3. Voting Function: Users can cast their votes on suggested locations, helping to identify areas with higher demand for wheelchair-friendly amenities. This data can be used by the government or private entities for future development planning.

Our solution combined innovative technology with community-driven feedback to empower individuals with mobility constraints and create a more accessible and inclusive future for all.

Bonus Section: A Culinary Delight at GeekOut Bootcamp 😋👍

Breakfast, one of the many buffets provided at Geekout

One highlight of GeekOut was the amazing food provided. Each meal was a delicious buffet spread, featuring a variety of mouth-watering dishes🤤. Meal times also served as an opportunity for bonding among participants and GovTechies. To keep our energy levels up, snacks were also provided throughout the BootCamp.

🎉 Wrapping Up: A GeekOut Adventure to Remember 🎉

GeekOut is more than just a tech event. As I reflect on my experience, I can’t help but feel grateful for the amazing opportunity to learn, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover the exciting world of technology.

If you’re considering attending GeekOut 2023, I would wholeheartedly encourage you to seize the opportunity! It’s a fun and eye-opening experience that will no doubt leave a lasting impact on your tech journey. Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime! 🚀🌟

Sign up for Geekout 2023: https://go.gov.sg/geekout2023

