My GeekOut Experience

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5 min readOct 3, 2022

During the June holidays, I had the opportunity to join the annual GeekOut Bootcamp organised by GovTech. My experience was really fulfilling, memorable and eye-opening. I decided to join GeekOut 2022 as I wanted to explore the various tech domains to discover and explore my interest and passion in tech.

From Left to Right: Yi Lin, Claire, Adrian (me), Kim Hong, Eliot (Our mentor)

// 1 — Overview

During the 5-days (13–17 June 2022) at GovTech, I was exposed to and gained hands-on experience with the following technologies:

  • Design Thinking
  • Sensors & Internet of Things
  • Cybersecurity
  • UX Design (using Figma)
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • App Development

and more!

Fun side note: We were allowed to keep the materials used from the various workshops. For example, we could bring home the ESP8266 (WiFi module) and other electrical components (when I get bored at home, I experiment and tinker around with the components and programming 😆)

// 2 — GovTechies are superrrr nice

Since it was my first time interacting with all these technologies, I encountered difficulties in understanding and completing the exercise files. Thankfully, the experts at GovTech, or GovTechies, were super patient and approachable in guiding my team and I.

// 3 — Networking like crazy

Prior to the boot camp, I encouraged myself to network with as many participants as I can. It would be nice to know them better as we all come from different schools, courses and backgrounds. During the 5 days, I managed to speak to different participants during tea breaks and lunch, and even fellow GovTechies from various divisions like Sensors and Internet of Things (SIoT), Cyber Security Group (CSG), Government Digital Services (GDS) and more! My LinkedIn connections grew from 40 to 100+! It was really enriching and enjoyable interacting with everyone. Personally, I was really surprised and proud of myself as I tend to be shy around people I don’t know.

My connections grew a lot since GeekOut 2022 — connect with me here!!

// 4— Lightning Talks ⚡⚡⚡

There were also ‘Lightning Talks’ where the speakers would share real-life examples of how GovTech has developed and integrated various technologies into practical solutions to benefit the public. For example, Zui Young, a Senior DevOps Engineer, shared about what ‘Accessibility’ and ‘Inclusion’ mean in the world of tech, and the reason why it is so important to have a considerate mindset that understands the needs of various types of users. The idea was not just to develop a product/service for people with disabilities, but for EVERYONE.

Check out his LinkedIn post here!!

// 5 — The Grand Finale: Hackathon!!

On the last day, we had a hackathon and the theme was “Accessibility for All in a Post-COVID World”.

“How can we use technology to make the future more accessible, and to empower everyone, especially those with disabilities?”

My team and I used all that we have learnt over the past 5 days, brainstormed, and we came up with ‘Accessity’ — Trivago for Assistive Technologies.

Even though we did not win the hackathon, I am still proud of how my team and I have grown, learned and executed the project. While we had no prior experience in the various technologies, we were still able to come up with a simple prototype for demonstration and even explained to the panel the backend developments in just 4 days (excluding Hackathon Day).

// 6 — I’ll Miss GeekOut, for sure

This boot camp would not have been memorable if not for my super AMAZING and CARING mentor, Eliot, and teammates, Claire, Yi Lin and Kim Hong. I will also miss the daily interactions I had with the other participants and GovTechies.

I’m really thankful to GovTech for organizing this annual BootCamp and having GovTechies share their real working experience candidly. They took good care of us and stuffed us with a lot of good food. The organising team and mentors were very patient in guiding us when we stumble upon obstacles.

From Left to Right: Yi Lin, Claire, Eliot, Adrian (me), Kim Hong
Group Picture!!

// 7 — Takeaways

I’m really glad that I made the decision to join GeekOut 2022. Not only was I able to apply the things I have learnt at GeekOut to my modules in school, but I also picked up Figma to build prototypes for UI/UX projects and taught my peers how to design and develop apps using this software.

Through GeekOut, I was able to hone my leadership and communication, and interpersonal skills by networking with different students and GovTechies!

If you are considering to join GeekOut, I highly encourage you to do so! It will be an extremely engaging, eye-opening and fun experience.

Make the most out of your school holidays by learning about the various tech domains used to build our everyday technologies. The learnings you gain from GeekOut is not one that can be found in school, and it is truly a unique experience that should not be missed.

In conclusion, join GeekOut if you want to:

  • Gain hands-on experience in the various beginner-friendly tech domains workshops
  • Challenge your creativity and analytical skills
  • Learn how technology can be integrated into our everyday lives
  • Network and gain mentorship with the experts and leaders of GovTech
  • Experience GovTech’s work culture

I hope this inspires you to join GeekOut 2023!

