My Internship Experience at GovTech’s Cyber Security Group

Jing Zhi Tan
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


Summer 2022, I had the wonderful opportunity to intern at GovTech’s Cyber Security Group (CSG). I was tasked to research and develop a novel approach to malware detection and prevention.

Recalling my first day

It was filled with anxiety. I had no idea what to expect until I met my reporting officer who made me feel at ease in our first meeting. I am really tall (2m); therefore, I was shocked to find out my reporting officer, Peng Fei was as tall as me. Finally, someone, I can literally see eye to eye with (pun intended!). As I was introduced around by Peng Fei I observed the dynamics of the team and without the shadow of a doubt I knew that I would fit right in.

National Day Celebrations at GovTech.

A typical workday for a CSG intern

We practise hybrid-work arrangements and I work in the office twice a week. The morning usually starts with a quick stand-up meeting. Followed by a quick check in by my reporting officer. He made sure there was nothing standing in my way, impeding my work. I was then on my own to accomplish the objectives I had set out to do.

Throughout the day, my colleagues would often come over and check up on me, curious on what I was working on. These interferences never bothered me, as I would receive many new insights on how I can refine my work. Once, I was really stuck on a part of my project, and was trying to optimise my code to process hundreds of thousands of images efficiently. A fellow colleague picked up on my struggles and taught me how to profile my program and figure out what are the segments of code that were performing slowly. With his help, I managed to increase the speed of my program by 10 times. The next day, when I had just reached the office, he had figured an alternative solution to my problem, which further improved the efficiency of my program by another 10 times, up to a 100x increase! From that interaction alone, I knew that the team is passionate in teaching and helping their interns improve, even to the point of mulling about the issue after work hours at home, for which I am eternally grateful for. Thanks Winston ❤.

It was also my first time experiencing a hybrid working arrangement, and it took time to get used to working from home. It was hard for me to separate rest from work, when I was home, its either I have an extremely unproductive day of fighting my urges to play video games, or an over-productive day of working till the next morning. So, I would usually work in my school library when I must work from home, to better strike that balance. Whenever I have problems with my work, my reporting officer was always available. I never once felt I could never ask for help even when I am not in the office.

Filming for Jaga the STACK

Technicalities of my Internship

The learning never stops during my time at GovTech. The technical requirement of my project keeps me on my toes, and every bug I squash produces five more bug offspring. I learned that what I really need was to be curious and and be hungry to learn more! I’ve picked up many new concepts and skills in this internship that I would have never been able to learn in school. Whenever I am stuck. I like to completely stop what I am doing and take a 5–10 min break. Often, I was able to figure out my mistake after feeling refreshed from a break.

The dreaded error prompts

My Most Memorable Day — Cohesion Day

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Luckily, GovTech certainly knows how to have fun! I was fortunate enough to be invited for the team’s cohesion day. It was a much-needed break from work and a wonderful opportunity to get to know my colleagues outside of a work setting. We first cycled around Coney Island, followed by a few rounds of bowling. We then concluded the night at the chalet, with a lovely barbeque. They were really inviting and I immediately felt close to everyone like a tight knit family.

Image of us after the bicycle ride.


It was a joy doing an Internship at GovTech. During my short stint, I was treated like an equal, like a family member. I knew I could depend on them and ask for help. I felt that my ideas and opinions were taken seriously. I was given the opportunity and support to learn and grow. I would really like to work at GovTech again. Hopefully, I can get another internship during my winter break.

I would wholeheartedly recommend GovTech to anyone looking for an internship. Find out more about their internship opportunities at!

