Unleashing the Cyber Sleuth: My Internship Journey in Threat Hunting with Machine Learning

Irfan Nian
Published in
7 min readMar 18, 2024

As I embark on this journey to recount my 14-month internship experience with the Cyber Threat Intelligence & Hunting Team under the Government Cyber Defence — Cybersecurity Group, I’m filled with a sense of awe and appreciation for the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. This extended internship was made possible through my participation in the GovTech Work-Study Degree programme sponsorship. It began with a promising three-month stint in 2022, and it further evolved into a year-long, in-depth journey that was a compulsory component of my academic curriculum as a final-year student of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information and Communications Technology majoring in Information Security at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).

Join me on an extended exploration of my internship experience with the Cyber Threat Intelligence & Hunting Team. This thrilling journey has unveiled the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, where we deploy the cloud and machine learning to combat digital threats.

Embarking on the Cloud Odyssey

My initiation into the world of threat hunting was nothing short of an adventure. I embarked on a quest to build a dynamic Threat Hunting Environment in the cloud, a digital citadel to guard against potential threats. The initial weeks were a whirlwind of discovery and learning, and the cloud became my new playground. I explored the intricacies of cloud services, infrastructure, and the vast potential they held for cybersecurity.

The process of setting up the Threat Hunting Environment was like building a fortress in the digital realm. Each component, from the cloud server architecture to the data storage systems, was carefully designed to maximise efficiency and security. I navigated a maze of cloud providers, selecting the one that best suited our needs. Learning to work with these providers was both challenging and enlightening, as the team harnessed their capabilities to create a resilient and scalable environment.

Animation by Taras Ivanytskyi

As I delved deeper into the cloud, I began to appreciate the significance of this endeavour. It was not merely about setting up infrastructure but creating a dynamic, ever-evolving ecosystem that could adapt to the ever-changing threat landscape. The cloud had transformed from a mere buzzword to the backbone of our operations. This journey into the cloud was uncharted territory for me, but it laid the foundation for the incredible work that awaited.

Unveiling Threats with Machine Learning Magic

One of the most intriguing aspects of my internship was the role of machine learning in threat detection. It was like having an AI Sherlock Holmes by our side, tirelessly sifting through vast amounts of data to uncover potential threats.

Animation by Tyto.ai

The exploration of machine learning took me on a journey through the realms of data science, model training, and the intricate world of algorithms. The process of feeding data to these models and fine-tuning them for optimal performance was akin to nurturing a digital garden. I watched as the models learned from historical data, adapting to new threats and challenges as they emerged.

The revelation that technology could be a proactive force in identifying and mitigating potential threats was groundbreaking. It was no longer a matter of reacting to incidents but actively searching for anomalies that could indicate an impending attack. I felt like I was part of a digital detective agency, solving complex puzzles and safeguarding against cyber threats. This aspect of my internship not only broadened my technical knowledge but also ignited a deep fascination with the potential of artificial Intelligence Hunting in the realm of cybersecurity.

Blurring the Lines Between Home and Office

GovTech adopts a hybrid work arrangement, giving me the flexibility of choosing between working from the office or from home. While I was initially sceptical about being engaged and collaborative, my internship experience proved otherwise, shattering the misconception that remote work is inherently isolating. This hybrid approach allows me to enjoy the best of both worlds, balancing the camaraderie of in-person interactions with the flexibility of remote work.

My Remote Work Battlestation

During occasions when I am doing remote work, virtual meetings and instant messaging platforms create a digital realm that feels as lively as a bustling office. I would discuss and share insights with my colleagues that are in the office, with the same efficiency as if I were physically co-located. The concept of physical distance has faded into insignificance, replaced by the immediacy and ease of digital communication.

Discussing with my colleague in the office

However, there are days when I don my work attire, pack my laptop, and head to the office. These office visits have become a refreshing change of scenery, moments when the pixels on our screens transform into real individuals with whom I can engage in lively discussions, share stories, and collaborate side by side. The office experience is filled with excitement and the hum of productivity. It’s an opportunity to deepen the connections I’ve nurtured in the digital space.

Having coffee while chatting work matters

The digital workspace keeps us connected, productive, and agile, while the occasional office visits provide the in-person connection and collaboration that fosters strong relationships and solidifies the team.

The Office Experience

Let me take you through the office experience. While some of my work is accomplished remotely, there are moments when my colleagues and I gather in the physical office to strengthen our bonds and foster face-to-face collaboration.

The ‘fun-area’ in GovTech MBC HQ
Playing hard (during lunch) after working hard

The office buzzes with excitement during these visits. Colleagues who are otherwise pixels on a screen become real individuals with whom I can engage in lively discussions, share stories, and work side by side. These office moments are like reunions, an opportunity to deepen our connections.

Lessons Learned and Challenges Overcome

Throughout my internship, I’ve encountered a multitude of challenges, from navigating the complexities of the cloud to understanding the intricacies of machine learning. These challenges were not roadblocks but stepping stones that pushed me to grow and adapt, refining my problem-solving skills and deepening my technical knowledge.

This internship experience also taught me the significance of continual learning and adaptability in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity. Staying updated with the latest technologies, threats, and security measures is essential. It’s a reminder that the world of technology is in a constant state of flux, and the ability to adapt and learn is a defining trait of successful professionals.

The Future of Me in Cybersecurity

As I contemplate the future of cybersecurity, I’m excited to see how the Cyber Threat Intelligence & Hunting Team evolves its capabilities to stay on top of any potential threats. With cloud-powered solutions and machine learning, the team is well-equipped to tackle the ever-evolving digital threats of tomorrow. The world of cybersecurity is dynamic, and the lessons I’ve learned during this internship have equipped me to face the challenges of this field head-on.

As threats become more sophisticated, the collaboration between technology and human ingenuity will be paramount. The Cyber Threat Intelligence & Hunting Team’s approach reflects the future of cybersecurity, one where human insight and artificial Intelligence Hunting work hand in hand to safeguard our digital world.

Conclusion: The Uncharted Digital Frontier

As I reflect on my 14-month internship journey here with GovTech, I’m astounded by the boundless opportunities of the digital age. The Cyber Threat Intelligence & Hunting Team is constantly harnessing the potential of cloud and machine learning to safeguard our Public Sector cyberspace from any potential threats that may jeopardise our infrastructure and data. This internship has been a personal and professional revelation. From setting up a cloud-based fortress to collaborating seamlessly with colleagues, I’ve embraced the future of cybersecurity. My departure from the team leaves me with valuable knowledge and an unwavering belief in the capacity of technology and teamwork.

What makes this journey truly unforgettable is not just the technological marvels or the boundary-pushing insights into cybersecurity — it’s the people. The bonds I forged with my colleagues and especially the unwavering support, mentorship, and guidance from my supervisor, Jervin, left an indelible mark on this journey.

Signing off, a Govtechie.

Thank you for accompanying me on this extended journey. May you, too, embrace the uncharted digital frontier that lies ahead. Find out more about GovTech’s internship programme at go.gov.sg/GovTechInternship.

