[Season 44] DespaNeos versus the Revamped Ranked Ladder

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Guides
3 min readSep 21, 2019
Elemental HERO Neos (Alternate Artwork)

With a new structure deck and the 21st mini box out, the meta has changed since Season 43. Of the changes, better tech options became available for the Cyberdark Neos decks in the form of Desparado Barrel Dragons and BM-4 Blast Spiders.

3-to-1 Ratio

After testing the deck on the meta, the most optimal ratio between Desperado Barrel Dragons and BM-4 Blast Spiders for this deck was a 3-to-1 ratio. A 2-to-2 ratio was effective, but the second blast spider wasn’t needed with all the Dark type Machine monsters already in your deck. Instead, that slot could be devoted to extending the Desparado Barrel Dragon plays up to 3 dragons.


vs. Six Samurai: The aim is to get out Desperado Barrel Dragons faster or around the same time as your opponent synchro summons the second Legendary Six Samurai — Shien. If you don’t have one in your hand, you can rely on your Cyberdark Edge equipped with Cyberdark Cannon to draw you one.

vs. DNA Buster Blader: It all comes down to drawing your removals faster than they play their full combo or hoping that they don’t have DNA Transplant in their hand. Be aware that Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman, can block your Cyberdark Cannon from setting up — its effect extends even to your hand.

vs. Subterror: Despite their mechanics not matching up with Desparado Barrel Dragon’s effect, this matchup is still favored on your end. Similar to the DNA Buster Blader matchup, it all comes down to which player drawing their needed cards faster. In this case, you need to target and remove their Subterror Final Battle before it starts accumulating a lot of value. The Cyberdark Neos part of this deck by having Brave Neos deal with the smaller monsters (like Flip frogs and Des Lacoodas) while Cyberdark Edge attacks directly.

vs. Spellbooks: Spellbooks are back? I’ve seen a few spellbooks here and there for me to warrant a warning or two. Play around how your opponent will always try to set up for a Banish play with Spellbook of Fate. Set up a Bacon Saver in the graveyard with that first-turn Neos Fusion or set more cards to trip up your opponent.

vs. Master of Fate Desparado Dragon: Ever since Blue Eyes Cosmo, I’m not to keen on using chance decks (even with the first three being certain). MoF Desparado Dragon is no exception. When it hits, it hits like a truck. When they don’t get the right cards, it leaves itself exposed to attacks. Counter their Desperado Barrel Dragons by trying one up them: 1) make your opponents use the effect first 2) chain more of them than your opponents. These decks tend to use a lot of World Legacy Clashes, rendering some of your monsters useless stat-wise. You can spend one of your Heads from the toss to destroy your own Desperado Barrel Dragon to summon another one — only if you have one or more in your hand.

vs. DespaNeos (mirror match): If you are second, you are restricted to blocking the oncoming Neos Fusion — Cyberdark Edge combo with Bacon Saver. It is basically a race to get Desperado Barrel Dragon out first and sustained the longest. As with most mirror matches, use of the Treacherous Trap Hole will decide games.

Thanks for reading. I’ll keep you all posted on any updates to the meta. Be on the lookout.

