PEST PHP: Revolutionizing PHP Testing for Developers

Harshit Chavda
Yudiz Solutions
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2023


In the fast-paced world of web development, testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of your code. PEST PHP is a testing framework that has been gaining traction in recent years, offering developers a fresh and expressive approach to writing tests. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore PEST PHP in detail, including its key features and syntax. Specifically, we’ll focus on the `it` and `test` functions, understanding when and how to use each for effective testing.

What is PEST PHP?

PEST PHP is a PHP testing framework created by Nuno Maduro. It builds upon PHPUnit, a widely-used testing framework, and adds a layer of expressive and human-readable syntax. PEST PHP is designed to make your test code look more like plain English, making it easier to write and understand.

Key Features of PEST PHP

Before we delve into the syntax, let’s briefly touch on some key features that make PEST PHP stand out:

  1. Readability: PEST PHP offers a highly readable and expressive syntax, making your test code more accessible and natural to write.
  2. Descriptive Testing: PEST PHP encourages descriptive testing, allowing you to create meaningful and self-explanatory test cases.
  3. Parallel Testing: PEST PHP supports parallel test execution, which can significantly improve testing efficiency, especially on modern multi-core machines.
  4. Test Priority: You can set test priorities to ensure critical tests are run first, helping you catch important issues early.

Now, let’s explore when and how to use the `it` and `test` functions in PEST PHP.

Understanding `it` and `test` Functions

Both `it` and `test` functions in PEST PHP serve the purpose of defining test cases. However, they have slightly different use cases and can be employed based on your testing needs.

Using `it` for Test Definitions

The `it` function is primarily used for defining individual test cases or assertions within a test suite. It is ideal for writing concise and focused tests that target specific behavior.

Let’s consider an example of testing a simple arithmetic operation using `it`:

In this example, we define a single test case using `it`. This test checks if the `add` method of the `Calculator` class correctly adds two numbers. The `expect` function is used to assert that the result should be equal to 5.

Using `test` for Test Suites

On the other hand, the `test` function is used for defining test suites or groups of related test cases. It is ideal for organizing and structuring your tests when you have multiple test cases that share a common context or behavior.

Consider a scenario where we want to test various arithmetic operations of the `Calculator` class:

In this example, we use the `test` function to define a test suite named “Arithmetic Operations.” Within this suite, we use `it` to define individual test cases for different arithmetic operations.

When to Use `it` and `test`

The choice between `it` and `test` depends on the level of granularity and organization you need in your testing code:

  • Use `it` when you want to define specific test cases or assertions within a test suite. This is suitable for fine-grained testing of individual behaviors or methods.
  • Use `test` when you want to create test suites to group related test cases together. This is helpful for organizing your tests when you have multiple scenarios or behaviors to test within the same context.

In practice, you’ll often use both `it` and `test` functions in your test suites. `test` helps structure your tests into logical groups, while `it` allows you to define the individual test cases within those groups.


PEST PHP is a powerful testing framework that simplifies the process of writing tests in PHP. Understanding the `it` and `test` functions and when to use them is key to writing effective and well-organized tests.

Whether you’re testing a single method or a complex application, PEST PHP’s readability and expressiveness can greatly improve your testing experience. So, go ahead, explore PEST PHP further, and take your PHP testing to the next level!

This guide has provided you with a solid foundation, but there’s much more to discover in the official documentation and by experimenting with your own projects. Happy testing!



Harshit Chavda
Yudiz Solutions

Aspiring Laravel developer and lifelong learner. Crafting with PHP and Laravel. 🚀 #Laravel #PHP #WebDev #ContinuousGrowth