10 most important books for UX designers

Start the year 2021 with a list of our recommended books


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Here’s the most important list of books a designer must-read in her/ his lifetime. These books will not only enhance your understanding and knowledge of design and design concepts. But also enrich you to be a better designer.

1. The design of everyday things
By — Don Norman

This book is for anyone and everyone that designs for the human experience. It can be any object used by humans — from being a computer program to a management tool. The book is also a good read for all those who use objects designed for them. It has the potential to change your outlook on how one experiences and interacts with the physical surroundings.

The book not only makes you aware of the bad designs but also helps you understand its influence. It increases the desirability of good design and shifts your perspective on how things should be designed. This book is in the public domain and you can easily get free PDF copies online

2. The inmates are running the asylum
By — Alan Cooper

This book takes us through the darker side of technology. The book revolves around the author’s central thesis — programmers need to re-evaluate the many user-hostile concepts deeply embedded within the software development process. The author provokes programmers, interaction designers to question the current mindsets and assumptions.

Cooper asks some of the most important questions: Are we making users happier? Are we improving their lives? Are we adding value to their work processes? Are we making work more effective for them? Are we making a difference in their lives? The book will make you think and hopefully, take informed actions that will matter.

3. The power of habit
By — Charles Duhigg

The book digs deep into why we do what we do. And how our understanding of habits can help us be more productive, design better products, and even build revolutionary companies! The book takes us through some of the most interesting journeys of people.

A woman who’s transformed her life entirely by taking phenomenal decisions, which has fundamentally changed the patterns inside her brain. Or, a use case where P&G marketers trying to figure out how to sell their new product.

The book shows us how, these people achieved success by observing, understanding, and changing habits. This award-winning New York Times business reporter takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. A game-changer for all the designers to help understand the users’ psyche better.

4. Thinking, fast and slow
By — Daniel Kahneman

This groundbreaking book takes us through a journey to understand two systems that drive the way in which we think. The first system is fast, intuitive, and emotional; and the second system is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. He explains the transformative potential of fast thinking along with the faults and biases. He reveals the ubiquitous effects of intuitive impressions on one’s behavior.

The book is an intellectual stimulus, the author engages us in a lively conversation. He explains how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. The book offers practical insights into how to utilize these learnings in a more practical world. The book can definitely transform the way one thinks about Thinking.

5. Visual Thinking
By — Willemien Brand

Visual thinking has become an important aspect of business and strategy these days. Attaining enterprise agility, increasing employee and customer engagement are all possible by the ways of visual thinking. The books clear the misconceptions that prevent businesses from using the technique in the boardrooms.

For designers, it brings a fresh perspective on the power of visualization.

6. Don’t make me think
By — Steve Krug

The book was first published in 2000, and since then a number of web designers and developers have referred to the wise words of the usability guru Steve Krug. The book helps designers and developers understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design.

The author uses humor and reveals the practical principles on the subject. There are revised versions of the book available that are equally fun to read and informative.

7. Hooked
By — Nir Eyal

This book is for everyone who cares to drive customer engagement. The book observes products that can create a habit-changing influence on the audiences. Based on his career-long research, and practical experience in consulting, the author writes a how-to guide for product managers, designers, marketers, and product owners.

The book shells out some ingenious ways a designer can build and deliver outstanding experiences through their products. Experiences that can transform the habits of the users.

8. Creative Confidence
By — David Kelley & Tom Kelley

The book literally helps readers, designers to unleash the creative potential within. An inspiring book that breaks down the fallacy that creativity and innovation can only come from ‘creative people’. The founders of IDEO, help us identify the methods and strategies that can make us think outside of the box and solve problems in an innovative manner.

The book can help all designers with delivering more productive and successful designs.

9. User friendly
By — Robert Fabricant & Cliff Kuang

The book is a must-read for anyone who aspires to build successful products. The book explains why some products deliver experiences that feel familiar yet good. And how some of the products we use have designs that stay relevant irrespective of the time when some designs just fade away.

The book revolves around understanding the crucial assumption, that machines should anticipate what we need and deliver. The book has the potential to change how you interact with digital products. An excellent book to read for designers on a quest of designing human-centered designs.

10. Nicely Said
By — Nicole Fenton & Kate Kiefer Lee

The book starts off by explaining writing for the web is a phenomenon in itself! Though the book outlines strategies and guides that can help new writers, seasoned professionals, and new-to-the-medium writers as well. The book is particularly a good read for designers as, when designing experiences — a designer crafts words as well.

Designers can learn from the real-world examples mentioned in the book, interviews revolving around topics such as — writing marketing copy, defining a style guide for a business, etc. Learning the skill of writing through the book will surely benefit any designer’s career.



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