A Work From Home Story

Tarun Jakhodia
Design Khopcha: Stories by yuj
6 min readJul 13, 2021

Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

On the left, how it would be in an office, is a distracted state of mind, so I’d have to lock myself up in a conference room from time to time to concentrate.

On the right, the present situation, I lock myself up in my office all the time. 😇

-Vishal, (UXD, YUJ Designs)

You get to think better on the “right side” and then respond :)

- Prasadd (Director, YUJ)

Above are some thoughts, that folks from our organisation felt when they looked at the image with 2 pie representations of how today’s situation can be perceived and below is another interpretation of the same, which I thought is highly relatable and accurate.

Being analog in a Digital world -

Midhun Krishnakumar (UXD, YUJ)

Point being — the kind of transformation we underwent and are going through as an organisation and as a society has been phenomenal and has unexpectedly made us rethink everything.

The virus has broken through cultural and technological barriers that prevented remote work in the past, setting in motion a structural shift, where in new ways of work is taking place.

As tech companies announced plans for permanent remote work options, including ours, assesing the productivity & mental health viability of working remote is all the more important.

Let’s begin by answering — Is remote work good for productivity?

Because ultimately, the answer to this will determine its popularity, especially given the long period of waning labor productivity that preceded the pandemic. So far, there is scant clarity — and widespread contradiction — about the productivity impact.

Some 41 percent of employees who responded to a McKinsey consumer survey in May said they were more productive working remotely than in the office.

As employees have gained experience working remotely during the pandemic, their confidence in their productivity has grown, with the number of people saying they worked more productively increasing by 45 percent from April to May. Another study by GPTW supports the claim.

With nine months of experience under their belts, more employers are seeing somewhat better productivity from their remote workers. Interviews with chief executives about remote work elicited a mixed range of opinions. Some express confidence that remote work can continue, while others say they see few positives to remote work.

Some concerns that have surfaced around this…

“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual.”

1. Lack of Community and Team Work

2. Lack of Motivation

3. Unmonitored Performance and those Frequent Breaks

4. Lack of Office Equipment and Security Concerns

5. Distractions and Lack of a Good Working Environment

6. Burnout

7. Risk to Productivity

  • mid-day naps,
  • the web series that was left on a cliffhanger,
  • spending time with family, etc.

“A survey released by Glassdoor , where nearly 1,000 American employees were asked about their top concerns when working from home between March 11 and March 13, 2020, reported that roughly 32% of employees say watching TV is a top distraction when working remotely, followed by 27% who say child care is a huge distraction.”

To tackle this here are some tips on working from home -

1. Maintain Regular Hours

2. Create a Morning Routine

3. To be more creative — Schedule Breaks and take them in their entirety

4. Keep a Dedicated Office Space

5. Breathe

6. Maintain a Separate Phone Number

7. Socialize With Colleagues

8. Get “Face” Time — remember we are all humans. Ask others if they are ok, and if you are not, share how you feel with others. Don’t cap it!

9. Don’t be too hard on yourself

10. End your day with a routine

And now let’s throw some light on the Upside

We all know that work will never be the same, even if we don’t yet know all the ways in which it will be different. What we can say with certainty is that the sudden shift to distributed work has provided a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine everything about how we do our jobs and how we run our companies.

If we can move past decades of orthodoxy about 9-to-5, office-centric work, there’s an opportunity to retain the best parts of office culture while freeing ourselves from bad habits and inefficient processes

1. Spend More Time With Your Family

2. Increase or Maintain Your Income

3. Give Up the Commute

4. Work Flexible Hours and in your comfort zone

5. Gain a Sense of Control

6. Save Money on Childcare Costs

7. Escape the Office’s Social Dynamics

8. Save Money on Clothes and Lunches

9. Easier and driven collaboration across locations

A research of 4,700 knowledge workers found the majority never want to go back to the old way of working. Only 12% want to return to full-time office work, and 72% want a hybrid remote-office model moving forward.

Also considering things from an organisational standpoint

When it comes to practicalities, the pros of running a remote company far outweigh the cons.

Remote work improves employee retention. Just think of the productivity loss that comes with hiring and training employees too often. If you can prevent burnout by offering good working conditions, your finances will thank you in the long run.

Reduction in work absences.

The other question that comes up often is equipment…

Research shows 3 out of 4 remote workers cover their own internet costs without help from their company. Many people already have high-quality internet connections at home, so remote work isn’t a significant investment.

But even in cases where the employer needs to provide equipment or cover internet costs, will those expenses really be higher than the cost of maintaining a lavish office building?

So, in a nutshell

The pandemic has pushed us years into the future. Many companies realize now working from home makes them more productive. They would have gotten there eventually, but current events sped up the process

We were new to this once, and now we know about the doubts that tend to crop up. We have to develop new team dynamics, and our teams will need to gain some new skills.

But the timing is perfect at this moment.

Seems like : leaving the office building behind will leave you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

Welcome to the future!

