Design Patterns: Crafting Solutions for Software Development Challenges

yuj: Design Patterns: Crafting Solutions for Software Development Challenges

Design patterns are basically defined as reusable solutions to the common problems that arise during software design and development.

Design patterns are not code, but it is a approach to tackle software problems and designing a solution.

Each and every developer use design patterns one or other way the design pattern solve the large problem very easily.

If we learn design patterns we can easily identify risk of multi-level approaches you have to find better solutions and when designing complete software you need to take into the account that.

Creational Design Patterns: How do those objects going to be instantiated/created?

Structural Design Patterns: How do those objects combine with other object and formalise bigger entity? which should also be scalable in future.

Behavioural Design Patterns: You also need to think in terms of communication between those objects which can anticipate future changes easily and with fewer side effects.

Answering all these Questions help us to think in terms of object everywhere considering maintainability, scalability, expressiveness and stability. Which create our mindset of coding.

Types of Design Patterns

Creational Design Patterns :

In Creational design patterns abstract the instantiation process. They help make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed, and represented.

Factory : Creates an instance of several derived classes

Builder : Separates object construction from its representation

Prototype : A fully initialized instance to be copied or cloned

Singleton : A class of which only a single instance can exist

Structural Design Patterns:

In Structural design patterns help us to identifying a simple way to realise relationships between entities.

Adapter : Match interfaces of different classes

Decorator : Add responsibilities to objects dynamically

Flyweight : A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing

Proxy : An object representing another object

Facade : A single class that represents an entire subsystem

Behavioural Design Patterns :

In Behavioural design patterns help us to identify common communication patterns between objects and realise these patterns. This patterns increase flexibility in carrying out this communication.

Chain of responsibility : An approach to passing a request between a chain of objects.

Command : Data-driven behavioural pattern, which encapsulates all the information that is required for performing a “command” or action, or to trigger an event at a later time.

Interpreter : Using this design pattern we can incorporate language elements in programs.

Mediator : Simplifies the communication between objects.

Null Object : This design pattern is to create a null object that encapsulates the absence of an object.

Design patterns are the results of experience, hard work and a great number of trials and errors. They also represent considered and best practices of object-oriented programming (SOLID, DRY, KISS and YAGNI)

Understanding and applying design patterns not only enhances software development practices but also fosters a mindset of efficient problem-solving and code maintainability. Leveraging creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns enables developers at UX Design Studio to craft scalable, expressive, and stable solutions, ensuring optimal user experiences across all projects.

Article By: Laxmi Wapte



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