Because I know you love chicken wings

Yum Deliveries
yum kenya blog
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2016


I’m having a really good week, and I hope you are too🙂

College life is just assignments. There is really no other word that effectively captures the amount of fatigue that can go into two days, but I’m happy.

My trusty camera is filled with dozens of pictures of what I’ve been cooking up (see what I did there ?) and I have a sleepless night that I absolutely don’t mind sharing with you.

Chicken wings are the spirit animal of finger food, soul food, just because food. Name it, they’ve been it.

I love them because CHICKEN. But also because they cook fast and pick up flavours really well.

This is a recipe for a cheat day.

A happy day.

A sad one.

What makes it even better is the fact that the ingredients are probably something you already have in the kitchen so it wont be too out of the way.

Here we go.


  • 1Kg of chicken wings
  • Soy sauce
  • Ketchup
  • Garlic- finely chopped
  • Sugar- to taste
  • Salt


  1. Start by cleaning your wings, take out those little feathers that tend to be found on wings in particular. Clean them under running water and pat them dry with a kitchen towel, drizzle with salt and set aside.
  2. Combine your soy sauce, garlic, and ketchup and mix well. Once you have done this, use your salt and sugar to adjust to taste. I tend to go a little bananas with soy sauce because I really like the richness and depth of flavour and colour. Set aside your sauce once you are satisfied with the taste.
  3. Heat up enough oil to deep fry four to five wings at a time.Once it is hot enough, put your wings in being careful that no oil splashes on you. Cook for around 5 minuted each side with each batch of wings. Once your wings are cooked, set aside to cool down slightly and pre-heat the oven.
  4. Cover the wings in the pre-made sauce and place in a baking tray. Cook further in the oven until slightly caramelized to avoid them drying out.
Chicken Wings Yum Blog

If you don’t want to cook them twice, you can coat them in the sauce after deep frying and let them rest a little just so they soak up the flavor.

This one was a brief one but it was totally filled with my insomniac love. The sleep bug is calling.

Until next time,

Always yours,


I’m reposting this from my Blog, you can read the original post HERE.



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yum kenya blog

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