Father’s Day the Nairobi Way

Yum Deliveries
yum kenya blog
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2015

If you’ve been in Nairobi long enough you might have noticed that here we have only two major holidays:

  1. Christmas
  2. Easter

During both it’s usually a mass migration by Nairobians from the city to the rural areas and other holiday destinations. It’s really fun to see as the streets get deserted and traffic jam eases. This is the best time to enjoy the best Nairobi has to offer. Discounts are on the rise at popular restaurants and the air around the city is calm. No more hustle and bustle. The big city finally rests.

But this is changing. Slowly a new dawn is rising on Nairobians and we are beginning to appreciate little holiday’s that previously didn’t mean much to us. Okay, not really holidays but special days — aren’t they one and the same thing though? Days like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are gaining popularity.

This brings me to my point. This Sunday (21st June) is going to be Father’s day. We had an easy task with the ladies because we know they love to get pampered and get gifts. Heck, I could get my mother a gift on any day and she’d love it. For men, it’s a little bit different. Behind that shell of charisma and bravado is a need to get spoilt. Men too need some appreciation but they won’t drop subtle and not so subtle hints around the house like their female counterparts. Should they get none they’ll just shrug it off — after all they are men.

So here’s a cheat code this father’s day to make that father figure in your life feel special. It comes in the form of a Yum Father’s Day Special.

You can get them anything ranging from burgers, delicious pork ribs, and a whiskey basket. Ever wanted to go out and enjoy a glass of wine with your dad but you didn’t exactly know how you’d convince him that a bottle of red is better than a bottle of green? You can get him a wine six pack and take him through the marvelous journey that is wine tasting.

Make this a Father’s day with a difference.



Yum Deliveries
yum kenya blog

Yum is Nairobi’s premier food delivery service. Order directly from the menu online and have your favorite restaurants delivered to your door.