Yum’s CEO talks about food delivery in Kenya

Yum Deliveries
yum kenya blog
Published in
1 min readNov 3, 2015

Smart Monkey is a relatively new web TV channel interested in what happens when technology crosses paths with culture.

A few weeks ago they sat down with our CEO — Layne Fletcher — and had the chance to talk about Yum.

Check out the video to hear Layne discussing the founding of Yum, entrepreneurship in Nairobi, Yum’s growth, competition in the industry, who Yum works with, and how Yum works.

[youtube id=”ic0N0plBiF4" width=”600" height=”340" position=”center”]



Yum Deliveries
yum kenya blog

Yum is Nairobi’s premier food delivery service. Order directly from the menu online and have your favorite restaurants delivered to your door.