Movie Analysis: “Mother!”

Rahimie Ramli
YUNiversity Interns
3 min readDec 12, 2017

It is outdated for me to publish this at this time of the year because Mother! was released about three months ago, but I also think it is the right time to publish this because of a recent event that touched my heart to write this.

The husband and wife were living happily and peacefully together in their house after it was burned in a fire incident. Veronica, the wife, puts in strenuous efforts to rebuild their house while the husband, referred to as ‘him’ has writer’s block because he cannot produce a poem.

Their story starts to pivot when a man asked if he could stay in their house for the night. This is a turning point to their lives, and we see that Veronica takes the toll much harder than ‘him’.

After a while, their house gets invaded by a lot of people who are not known by Veronica. She just wanted to rebuild the house but these people keep on destroying it without care. This reminds me of the Zionists’ occupation in Palestine. The house represents Palestine, Veronica represents every Palestinian who cares about their land, and needless to say, the invading strangers are the Zionists.

What pisses me off the most is that ‘him’ allows for something like this to happen and he is supposed to treat Veronica well and prioritize her needs more than his devoted fans. ‘Him’ is lost in his world of fame. I see that ‘him’ represents the countries that have the power to turn the condition of Veronica around; however, he is engrossed in his growing fame that he neglects her needs.

I would just want to emphasize that no one should agree to Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because Israel does not exist. Palestine has been there since the time of our prophets and Israel is just a tribe, not a country. If we neglect this, we are neglecting a lot of Muslims’ needs. The Zionists might have the intention to destroy what is rightfully there, which is the Holy Masjid, Baitul Maqdis. This raises the question why Zionists woul dwant to own a piece of land that has a Muslim place of worship in it. They have been oppressed for a long time. It’s time for us to become more human and unite against the terror acts that have been done by the Zionists for ages. It’s time for us to declare the Zionists as terrorists. It’s time for us to take back what is ours. We do not want another ethnic cleansing.

Other aspects that we can see from Mother! is from the feminist approach whereby male dominance is rampant in the actions of ‘him’. He ignores his wife’s needs and decision when he decides to welcome the strangers into their house. Veronica does not have any say to their supposed collective decision as husband and wife.



Rahimie Ramli
YUNiversity Interns

Muslim, Writing intern for YUNiversity, Student of English Language and Literature. @remster_je