Not knowing where you’ll be in a year

G Schurman
YUNiversity Interns
2 min readMay 31, 2016

It sucks.

I’m a junior in high school. I’ve never lived outside the city limits, always in the area for the same high school, so I haven’t had to deal with too much drama about moving.

Until now.

My family is moving half-way across the country, to Las Vegas, Nevada.

I thought we were waiting until after my senior year, but shit happens and it makes more sense to move now. But that leaves a problem:


You see, while I hate my school for its stupid dress code, the mandatory finals, the extra hour we’ll be going next year, the changing of PE requirements (I’ll have eight credits by senior year when you only need five to graduate), it’s still my school.

I’ve grown up in this town: 17 years in this public school system, never being the new kid. I’ve NEVER been the new kid.

But now I might be?

Because I might be moving to fucking Las Vegas. LAS VEGAS. VEGAS BABY, VEGAS.

And it sucks.

Because I have only months before my last year of high school, and I don’t know if I’m spending it with the people I’ve known all my life at the shitty school, or if I’m moving across the country to spend it with strangers and be the new kid.

I’m begging you, never do this to a kid.

Because while I should be stressing about college and figuring out the rest of my life, or enjoying the last summer where I won’t have a job and will still have friends to hang out with, I’m stressing about where I’m going to move.

A town over and in with my dad, which will mean finding a way to get to my school every day, and figuring out if I even can go to my school if I live five minutes away from a different one.

Or half-way across the country where I can completely reinvent myself, and maybe spend my last year alone, or make the best friends of my life.

It sucks.

Please never put this pressure on me again.

But also, thanks for letting me decide. I’d hate to be forced to do anything. I’m 17, and I guess this is my wakeup call.

It’s time for me to grow up.

(But also, can I just go back to 7th grade?)

