What Rejection Sounds Like

Claire C
YUNiversity Interns
2 min readDec 24, 2015

A sarcastic rendition of a college rejection letter.

Dear Applicant #7493,

Thank you for lowering our acceptance rate and donating your application fee to our amazing university. We have received numerous applications and you are just not good enough to have a place in our institution. As you know, we look at applications holistically, which means that no part of you sets you apart from other applicants. Also, we have scrutinized your application carefully and found many flaws. All in all, due to your own inadequacy, we are unable to admit you.

Thank you for your sacrifice and we hope that you will find an inferior school that will accept you.

(Laughs in your face),

Dean of Admission

Rejection hurts. It’s all right to let yourself feel the pain. Sometimes, it’s even necessary to do so. Just remember (even if it’s only in the back of your head): you’ll be okay.

This is advice that got me through. (I couldn’t have said it better myself.)

