see that’s the thing about love

yun corey chan
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2018


see that’s the thing about love
scariest thing you can imagine
it’s not so much a fear that constricts
but a fear that shifts the alighted hourglass
filled with grains of dreams yet to be dreamt
dreams pouring in snowflake fashion
into the fragile bowl that is your heart
the filling is almost unwilling, but always
a bit thrilling — like concerts amid arid cacti

you see you can only guess the hand that motions
the dizzy sands to dance in tides
is the same one holding yours tightly
as if I would ever dare to let go of a sun-
set upon nerdy peanut butter fingers
see that’s the thing about love
makes you wanna take the leap,
enter free fall, and give yourself
to a rainbow — breathing in the breeze

a poem by YUN
artwork by the animators of Your Name ← this movie made me cry three times in one sitting. IT’S SO GOOOOOD!



yun corey chan

aabbc (agender american bisexual born chinese) archivist of good vibes. ramblings and poetry intersect here [ ] let’s inspire and be inspired!