How Time-Tracking Helps You Earn More and Worry Less

Asna Mushir
YupHour by Timesheet X
9 min readSep 17, 2019

Time is what we need most and what we use worst! Ever felt like you keep on working and working over a task or project and are not satisfied with the salary and yet you can not do anything about it because you do not know exactly how much time you spend on a certain task or project! That is where time-tracking comes in. In this article you’ll discover about what it is, who needs it the most and how it helps them, why there is a sudden increase in the demand for the time tracking and how to track time effectively and efficiently and the best app to be used for time tracking.

We have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week and yet we always feel that it is not enough! The Universal Grudge is against time because “Oh, There isn’t enough time in a day for me!” And The Universal Answer to someone who asks “How have you been?” is “Good” followed by “BUSY!” It has become sort of a customary response, a cliché. Why are we so Busy and worked out? Is it because there isn’t enough time in a day or is it because we are not managing our time in the best possible way and are investing our time in things that aren’t actually necessary for us!

Maybe you are very busy, you have a Jam-Packed life! You need to Work for 30 hours a week, sleep for 8 hours a day, at least 10 hours a week of house hold chores, exercising for 8 hours a week. Sounds like a very busy life, Right? But what if I tell you that you can still have more that 40 hours a week of free time after doing all the OTHER work, fun and rest!

That’s insane, right!!

Time is nonrefundable and so, it must be used with intention & proper time management. As it is said, time is not what we need, but what we make! In today’s Generation, everyone’s trying to multitask be the Jack and Jill of all trades. Complete that graduate degree and as well freelance for extra money, do that 9 to 5 secured job and work for your passion besides, there are endless things we want to achieve in life and what if I tell you all of it can be achieved. You can even earn more with less worries by simple time tracking and proper time management? Isn’t that amazing?!♡

What exactly is Time Tracking?

Time tracking is simply the measurement and documentation of hours worked. You can track your time spent on each project, task and whatever work you are doing on timesheets! By comparing the timesheets of various projects and task, you can make out what is more beneficial for you and what is less profitable for you. For example, you completed two projects for two different employees, the first one took 20 hours to complete and got you $100( $5 per hour) and the second one got you $110 for working 30 hours a week. You can clearly make out that the first project is benefiting you more and it’s time for you to dump that second client and find some other profitable work! Had it not been for time tracking, you would have never understood which of the projects is benefiting you more.

Timesheet X is a prominent app that helps you keep track of your time as a pro and that too for free! Yes, it is a Free Time Tracking app that lets you calculate every hour and minute you worked on your task and project. The app lets you even store and keep a record of your timesheet to further analyze and compare the work, so no issue about those manual diaries which are so fussy to manage! You can even calculate your work pay by adding your per hour rate and the app will automatically calculate your wage according to the hours you’ve worked, so no fussing about doing that hectic math yourself!

The download link for Timesheet X is (табель/id1466196878)

Who needs Time Tracking apps the most?


Of course, Time tracking is very important for employees. They can use it for improving their efficiency and effectiveness! They can also use it calculate their per hour wage and to compare their work profits according to the hours spent on a task or project. Time tracking is very important for the personal growth of an employee. They know how many hours they have to work for because of time tracking and prepare themselves for the same everyday. It helps in the consistent development of the employee!

Employers and Big and small scale Businesses!

Time tracking is essential for an employer as well. Time tracking apps can help employers to identify and eliminate activities that aren’t crucial to progress and thus increase revenue. Managers can dissect the hours their employees log and pick out trends such as which employee is the most productive. They can then use these analytics to push their team through times of decreased productivity and get the most out of their employees, Improving the employee morale! For companies that rely heavily on freelancers or contractors, time tracking software can provide accurate data on work tasks completed and the duration of their work.

It is demanded by Multinational Corporations to keep a check on how many hours are their employees spending on each task and project. It makes it easier for businesses to determine the remuneration for the employees.


It takes quite some motivation and discipline for a freelancer to stay focused. That’s where time tracking for freelancers comes in. In fact, there are numerous benefits of tracking time for freelancers. It is not only a smart way to create estimates and invoices but also helps in predicting one’s behavior and improving the business by simply analyzing how a freelancer can manage their time. Once you get used to a time tracking app like Tiemsheet X , you’ll feel more informed and motivated to improve your project management skills.

Why is there a sudden increase in the need for Time Tracking solutions?

If you are a frequent net surfer, you must’ve come across several advertisements about the best time tracking apps or the best time tracking software. In fact, if you go searching for these apps and softwares, you’ll find hundreds of them. It’s increase in production is because of a rapid increase in the demand for Time Tracking with increase in the globalization and the internet creating new platforms for work and employment.

Platforms like Upwork and have created a lot of demand for time tracking. These platforms have many hourly paid jobs and require both the freelancer and client to stick to one trusted time tracking app like Timesheet X This free time tracking app lets the freelancers and employees create timesheets and store. it and help in the management of their precious time effectively and efficiently.

Time tracking for Employers and Organizations:

If you are an employer or a company’s founder, you know how crucial is Time Management. Time — one of those things working professionals can’t get enough of. It’s difficult to take control of every single minute of your day but not impossible! One way to control Time is Tracking the time. When you ask your employees to track their time, it is beneficial in many ways for the company!

Time tracking helps employees record the progress of their work in fine detail and the details can later be utilized by the company to give proper feedback to the employees. This way the management and decision-making skills of employees are improved which further benefits the organization.

At time, companies start multiple projects and work on all of them at the same time. However, too much time spent on one project may not be worth it for the end goal; time tracking software can help managers identify and eliminate activities that aren’t crucial to progress and thus increase revenue.

Time-tracking reinforces accountability within the employees themselves. Time tracking software can also make employees feel that their performance is not going unnoticed when it clearly shows on the software that they are finishing their tasks. Employee morale is an incredibly vital component to a hardworking team environment and investing in time tracking software can highlight accomplishments.

For business owners that plan on selling their companies, Time tracking software contains detailed records of each employee and the work they perform which can be utilized by new ownership groups to help gauge expectations and outputs from their employees.

Time tracking for Employees

If you are an employee working in a 9 to 5 Job and are required to track your time and provide time sheets, you must know that it is for your own benefits!

Time tracking lets you understand exactly how much work you are putting into a project through comparing your time sheets with the previous projects rather than just giving your valuable time without any backup. Time sheets are like a proof of your Endeavour.

There’s a higher chance of promotion because not even a bit of your work will go unnoticed and when your employer finds out about the amount of work you are putting in, you might get a bonus or who knows even a promotion!

Through time tracking you can make out if you are getting enough payment according to the efforts you put in and if not you can consider changing the job. Time tracking helps you make prudent financial decisions!

Time tracking and freelancing!

Freelancing is surely not an easy task contrary to its famous belief! Freelancers need a lot of motivation and self discipline to stay focused irrespective of the nature of the job. While there’s freedom to be managing one’s own time without a physical boss or senior to reprimand you every now and then there are just too many distractions and without a proper time management, you are likely to be in the soup. That is where Time tracking comes in. In fact, there are numerous benefits of tracking time. It is not only a smart way to create estimates and invoices but also helps you in numerous way .Once you get used to a time tracking tool like TimesheetX , you’ll feel more informed and motivated to improve your project management skills.

By tracking time you can not only avoid procrastination but also make smarter decisions. You are aware of the fact that a timer is ticking and this alone will make you careful about wasting a single moment on unnecessary things.

The goal of time tracking is to know how much time you are spending on a particular task and since you focus entirely on it, you are less likely to do other unnecessary work which further saves your time and helps avoid multitasking.

The clients that demand high quality work with low pay rates cost you money instead of earning more! One way to deal with such clients is to track every moment you spend on their projects and charge them accordingly. Another option is to let them go and look for better paying clients. Thus time tracking helps you to be selective with clients!

How to track time spent on work and task effectively and efficiently?

Tracking time with TimeSheet x is very easy and fun. Just follow these few simple steps

1 Start tracking time with TimeSheet X by creating a project. Choose the billing method and budget size. Set a reminder so you don’t exceed your budget.

2 Next you add a task, name it and pick an hourly rate. You can assign tasks to all future projects with just a click.

3 You can now start tracking time. Easily manage your time logs and edit them if necessary.

4 After you are done tracking time, generate a report. Insightful and clear activity, dashboard, pivot and other reports.

5 Lastly, simply create an invoice. Customize it and send it directly to your clients or employers via email.

In these five simple steps TimeSheet X lets you track time, store it and share it effectively and efficiently!


P.S. Time is an irreplaceable asset. It is more valuable than money, especially in today’s fast-paced, overly-competitive business world. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Be sure that you spend your time where it matters most to you. In a nutshell, tracking your time helps you to increase your business revenue. It also establishes you as a trustworthy professional. You can use your time wisely and work on your own terms with better time management. This not only increases your revenue but also gives you more opportunity to spend quality time with your family and loved ones and/or to follow other interests. Thus time tracking makes you earn more and worry less”♡♡

TimeSheet X is a prominent app that will always help you keep track of your time as a pro and that too for free! The app lets you even store and keep record of your timesheet to further analyze and compare the work, so no issue about those manual diaries which are so fussy to manage! You can even calculate your work pay by adding your per hour rate and the app will automatically calculate your wage according to the hours you’ve worked, so no fussing about doing that hectic math yourself!

The download link for TimeSheet X is (табель/id1466196878)



Asna Mushir
YupHour by Timesheet X

I write because when I do, I don’t feel the need to do anything else!