My First Vote| 2020 Presidential Election in Taiwan

Yvonne Cheng
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2020

Vote for Freedom🇹🇼

Yesterday was a significant day not only for me, but for Taiwan. I finally became 20 years old this year, which means I can legally exercise my civil rights. I volunteered to be a poll worker at my polling station. Just out of curiosity I applied to district affairs office immediately when they post a recruiting information. The office strongly encourages college students to engage in poll work as a volunteer since they think that young people are showing less political tendency and more neutral. ( I am not sure if it is true or not😆…one of my friends who has shown a super clear political standpoint said this statement is nonsense.😂😂)

My job was mainly watching the voting process to make sure that all steps were correct and fair. It was quite a boring job actually. For me, everything was fresh. This job allowed me to closely observe voters’ behaviour. Some elders still asked simple questions even though they had already voted several times, such as “How to vote?”. I think this situation shows one thing: they take very seriously about their ballots. They just double-checked to make sure that the ballot is valid and will be counted eventually.

It was a great experience for me to participate in such a huge national activity. We are the last free place in the Chinese-speaking world. We are proud of our democracy.

This article is quite short because I just want to make a quick note for the election day. 😜



Yvonne Cheng

剛踏入社會的新鮮人,往行銷領域邁進中,要前往英國讀研究所| 🎡Traveler|✍️Writer|🎨Painter