AVID Prepares Students for College Application Season

What are the differences between applications, and when is the deadline?

Savannah Blair
The Odyssey
2 min readOct 25, 2021


Photograph by Pang Yuhao.

Advancement via Individual Determination

With the school year fully in swing, the senior AVID class is already filling out applications for the 2022–2023 academic year! Every Monday and Wednesday, senior AVID students can be found inside the computer lab, working on UC, CSU, and the Common Application. This computer time gives the AVID class a chance to fill out the numerous applications, make the deadlines coming up in November, and ask for help with any issues along the way. But why are there so many applications, and what is the difference?

UC/CSU/Common App

Depending on the place students want to apply, there are different application due dates and opening dates. The University of California applications open for submissions November 1–31, but students are starting to fill them out now to be submitted in November. The California State University applications opened October 1 and may be submitted until November 31. The Common Application, which features applications to over 900 public and private U.S. universities, opened in August, but deadlines depend on the specific colleges students apply to, some of which accept applications up to January.

Photograph by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Both UC and CSU Schools are public, four-year California universities; however, they have distinct differences. UC schools have ten separate campuses located around California, while CSU has twenty-three. The UC system focuses on preparing students for graduate school, while CSU prepares students to enter the job market. The way classrooms are run in the two types are also different, with UC schools being research-based and CSU offering a more hands-on approach to learning. Another separation between the schools are their tuition rates, with UC costing an average of $13,000-$15,000 and CSU between $5,000-$7,000 per academic year.

Support at a Critical Time

In the AVID program, students are given support throughout the college application process, up to and including choosing their future major or career. This process is arduous and time-consuming, but nothing our students can’t handle. In the next few months, seniors and early graduates will be extremely busy working on their applications, but beyond that, they are heading for new and bigger things!

Savannah Blair is a senior and member of the Class of 2022! She is an AVID student interested in writing, reading, history, and music.

