Go Out, Get Active, and “Catch ’Em All”

Mobile game allows players to interact with the magical world all around them.

Isabella Martinez
The Odyssey
3 min readSep 15, 2022


Playable now on either iOS or Android devices. Illustration courtesy Niantic Labs.

Pokémon Go is an augmented reality (AR) game that combines your surroundings and the virtual world. Released in 2016 by Niantic Inc., the game had immediate success with over 650 million downloads from players all across the globe. Streets filled with people simply trying to “catch ‘em all.” All players were determined to capture each mystical Pokémon (all uniquely designed) within their inventory, the Pokédex. There are more than nine hundred Pokémon you can catch in this universe, and more are awaiting to be released this year.


To play this game to its fullest, you should explore your community to collect new additions of Pokémon for your team. It is almost impossible for a player to not travel when playing this game, though some may have done it. Most people tend explore the outdoors to be in the presence of nature. When traveling outside, you could either go by a vehicle or on foot to a desired location. (You should not play when driving. Always be aware of your surroundings due to injury risk.)


Obviously, going by vehicle is quicker than traveling by foot, but there are benefits to walking this way. You can gain numerous experience points (xp) to level up Pokémon or yourself to earn various rewards like Pokémon eggs (to be hatched later based on your distance walking), items, or gifts that you can send to friends. This not only bonds you with other players online, it creates a sensation of a hard working day being paid off when getting your steps in for the week.

Get outside for some exercise, and some new Pokémon. Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash.

Extra Tidbits

Pokémon come in all varieties and types: psychic, dark, steel, fighting, poison, electric, ground, flying, fairy, normal, bug, fire, water, ice, ghost, dragon, rock, and grass. Knowing all of these types can help you become more successful when battling other Pokémon in raid battles, gyms, friendly battles, or in the battle league. You and your partner Pokémon can battle together using effective attacks against the opponent.

Exceeding My Expectations

This game has made me very engaged for the time that I have been playing it. Overall, it brings together players with exciting new updates, designs, colors, and graphics. It is enjoyable to catch new Pokémon my friends don’t have and vice versa, which helps me connect with them better. The game can be played during spare time to help relieve boredom, or any time of the day because the Pokémon are everywhere, dispersed throughout the entire globe. Can you catch them all?

Isabella Martinez is a junior at YVHS who enjoys playing games as often as she can.

